What is nature’s place in our spiritual lives?
In today’s modern culture, we’ve become separated from the sacredness of the natural world. This book offers a different, eye- and soul-opening way of viewing our religion: A perspective grounded in nature, and rich in insights for seekers of all faiths.
Respect for the holiness of Creation, our duty to protect the natural world, reverence for the land…a focus on nature is part of the fabric of Jewish thought. Here, innovative contributors bring us a richer understanding of the long-neglected themes of nature that are woven through the biblical creation story, ancient texts, traditional law, the holiday cycles, prayer, mitzvot (good deeds), and community.
Ecology & the Jewish Spirit explores the wisdom that the Jewish tradition has to offer all of us, to help nature become a sacred, spiritual part of our own lives.
Table of Content
Acknowledgments Introduction Sacred Place Adam, Adamah, and Adonai: The Relationship between Humans, Nature, and God in the Bible JEFF SULTAR Befriending the Desert Owl SHAMU FENYVESI (Mis)reading Genesis: A Response to Environmentalist Critiques of Judaism NEAL JOSEPH LOEVINGER Is There Only One Holy Land? BRADLEY SHAVIT ARTSON How Wilderness Forms a Jew ELLEN BERNSTEIN A Sentient Universe EVERETT GENDLER Practical Kabbalah: A Family History CHARLES FENYVESI Jewish Perspectives on Limiting Consumption ELIEZER DIAMOND New York Is a Girl ROBERT SAND Sacred Time Cycles of the Jewish Year The Sun, the Moon, and the Seasons: Ecological Implications of the Hebrew Calendar DEBRA J. ROBBINS ‘In Your Goodness, You Renew Creation’: The Creation Cycles of the Jewish Liturgy LAWRENCE TROSTER Shabbat and the Sabbatical Year DAN FINK The Land of Your Soul MARC SIRINSKY The Holidays Rain and the Calendar ELLEN COHN Sukkot: Holiday of Joy ELLEN BERNSTEIN Sukkot: Gathering the Boughs DAN FINK A History of Tu B’Sh’vat ELLEN BERNSTEIN The Tu B’Sh’vat Seder ELLEN BERNSTEIN Purim Rivers and Revels DAN FINK The Parsley versus the Potato: A Passover Reminiscence EVERETT GENDLER Leaving Egypt DAN FINK Grow Your Own—Barley, That Is! EILEEN ABRAMS Mountain Paths DAN FINK In Search of the Omer ELLEN COHN Of Dust, Ashes, Comets, and a Three-Year-Old DAN FINK Sacred Community Cosmos and Chaos: Biblical Views of Creation NEIL GILLMAN Restoring a Blessing SHAMU FENYVESI What Is the Common Wealth? DAVID EHRENFELD Jewish Agricultural Law: Ethical First Principles and Environmental Justice VICTOR RABOY The Blessings of Holiness LAWRENCE TROSTER Nature, Spirit, Body SHIRA DICKER Judaism’s Environmental Laws BARRY FREUNDEL Business and Environment: A Case Study PHILIP J. BENTLEY Between Dust and Divinity: Maimonides and Jewish Environmental Ethics DAN FINK What Does the Hour Demand? Environmentalism As Self-Realization DAVID GEDZELMAN Living As If God Mattered: Heschel’s View of Nature and Humanity MARC SWETLITZ How Community Forms a Jew ELLEN BERNSTEIN Notes About the Contributors Index
About the author
Ellen Bernstein is the founder of Shomrei Adamah—Keepers of the Earth, the first institution dedicated to cultivating the ecological thinking and practices integral to Jewish life. She is author of Ecology and the Jewish Spirit: Where Nature and the Sacred Meet and currently works as director of community building at the Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia.Ellen Bernstein is available to speak on the following topics:Reading the Bible Ecologically Prayer from an Ecological Perspective Why Judaism Needs Ecology and Why the Environmental Movement Needs a Spiritual Approach Creation Theology Why (and How) to Start a Synagogue Garden or Farm!