Emiliano Ippoliti is Assistant Professor of Logic and Theories of Reasoning at Sapienza University of Rome. His main interests are heuristics, the logic of discovery, finance, and problem-solving. He is in the process of writing a book, The Advancement of Knowledge: Data, Hypotheses and Novelty.Cesare Cozzo is Associate Professor of Logic at Sapienza University of Rome. His research mainly focuses on the relations between the philosophy of logic and mathematics and the theory of meaning. He is the author of Meaning and Argument and Introduzione a Dummett [Introduction to Dummett].
6 Ebooks by Emiliano Ippoliti
Emiliano Ippoliti: Heuristic Reasoning
How can we advance knowledge? Which methods do we need in order to make new discoveries? How can we rationally evaluate, reconstruct and offer discoveries as a means of improving the ‘method’ of disc …
Emiliano Ippoliti & Fabio Sterpetti: Models and Inferences in Science
The book answers long-standing questions on scientific modeling and inference across multiple perspectives and disciplines, including logic, mathematics, physics and medicine. The different chapters …
Emiliano Ippoliti & Ping Chen: Methods and Finance
The book offers an interdisciplinary perspective on finance, with a special focus on stock markets. It presents new methodologies for analyzing stock markets’ behavior and discusses theories and meth …
David Danks & Emiliano Ippoliti: Building Theories
This book explores new findings on the long-neglected topic of theory construction and discovery, and challenges the orthodox, current division of scientific development into discrete stages: the sta …
Cesare Cozzo & Emiliano Ippoliti: From a Heuristic Point of View
How do we get new knowledge? Following the maverick tradition in the philosophy of science, Carlo Cellucci gradually came to the conclusion that logic can only fulfill its role in mathematics, scienc …
Emiliano Ippoliti & Lorenzo Magnani: Model-Based Reasoning, Abductive Cognition, Creativity
This book discusses how scientific and other types of cognition make use of models, abduction, and explanatory reasoning in order to produce important, innovative, and possibly creative changes in th …