The proposed book will offer comprehensive and versatile
methodologies and recommendations on how to determine dynamic
characteristics of typical micro- and opto-electronic structural
elements (printed circuit boards, solder joints, heavy devices,
etc.) and how to design a viable and reliable structure that would
be able to withstand high-level dynamic loading. Particular
attention will be given to portable devices and systems designed
for operation in harsh environments (such as automotive, aerospace,
military, etc.) In-depth discussion from a mechanical
engineer’s viewpoint will be conducted to the key components’
level as well as the whole device level. Both theoretical
(analytical and computer-aided) and experimental methods of
analysis will be addressed. The authors will identify how the
failure control parameters (e.g. displacement, strain and stress)
of the vulnerable components may be affected by the external
vibration or shock loading, as well as by the internal parameters
of the infrastructure of the device. Guidelines for material
selection, effective protection and test methods will be developed
for engineering practice.
Table of Content
1 Some Major Structural Dynamics-Related Failure Modes and
Mechanisms in Micro- and Opto-Electronic Systems and Dynamic
Stability of These Systems (David S. Steinberg).
2 Linear Response to Shocks and Vibrations (Ephraim
3 Linear and Nonlinear Vibrations Caused by Periodic Impulses
(Ephraim Suhir).
4 Random Vibrations of Structural Elements in Electronic and
Photonic Systems (Ephraim Suhir).
5 Natural Frequencies and Failure Mechanisms of Electronic and
Photonic Structures Subjected to Sinusoidal or Random Vibrations
(David S. Steinberg).
6 Drop/Impact of Typical Portable Electronic Devices:
Experimentation and Modeling (T. X. Yu and C. Y. Zhou).
7 Shock Test Methods and Test Standards for Portable Electronic
Devices (C. Y. Zhou, T. X. Yu, S. W. Ricky Lee, and Ephraim
8 Dynamic Response of Solder Joint Interconnections to Vibration
and Shock (David S. Steinberg).
9 Test Equipment, Test Methods, Test Fixtures, and Test Sensors
for Evaluating Electronic Equipment (David S.
10 Correlation between Package-Level High-Speed Solder Ball
Shear/Pull and Board-Level Mechanical Drop Tests with Brittle
Fracture Failure Mode, Strength, and Energy (Fubin Song, S. W.
Ricky Lee, Keith Newman, Bob Sykes, and Stephen Clark).
11 Dynamic Mechanical Properties and Microstructural Studies of
Lead-Free Solders in Electronic Packaging (V. B. C. Tan, K. C.
Ong, C. T. Lim, and J. E. Field).
12 Fatigue Damage Evaluation for Microelectronic Components
Subjected to Vibration (T. E. Wong).
13 Vibration Considerations for Sensitive Research and
Production Facilities (E. E. Ungar, H. Amick, and J. A.
14 Applications of Finite Element Analysis: Attributes and
Challenges (Metin Ozen).
15 Shock Simulation of Drop Test of Hard Disk Drives (D. W.
Shu, B. J. Shi, and J. Luo).
16 Shock Protection of Portable Electronic Devices Using a
‘Cushion’ of an Array of Wires (AOW) (Ephraim
17 Board-Level Reliability of Lead-Free Solder under Mechanical
Shock and Vibration Loads (Toni T. Matilla, Pekka Marjamaki, and
Jorma Kivilahti).
18 Dynamic Response of PCB Structures to Shock Loading in
Reliability Tests (Milena Vujosevic and Ephraim Suhir).
19 Linear Response of Single-Degree-of-Freedom System to Impact
Load: Could Shock Tests Adequately Mimic Drop Test Conditions?
(Ephraim Suhir).
20 Shock Isolation of Micromachined Device for High-g
Applications (Sang-Hee Yoon, Jin-Eep Roh, and Ki Lyug
21 Reliability Assessment of Microelectronics Packages Using
Dynamic Testing Methods (X. Q. Shi, G. Y. Li, and Q. J.
22 Thermal Cycle and Vibration/Drop Reliability of Area Array
Package Assemblies (Reza Ghaffarian).
23 Could an Impact Load of Finite Duration Be Substituted with
an Instantaneous Impulse? (Ephraim Suhir and Luciano
About the author
Dr. EPHRAIM SUHIR is Fellow of the IEEE, ASME, APS, Io P
(UK), and the SPE. He is Foreign Full Member (Academician) of the
National Academy of Engineering, Ukraine; cofounder of the ASME
Journal of Electronic Packaging; holds twenty-two U.S.
patents; and has authored about 300 technical publications (papers,
book chapters, books). Dr. Suhir has received many professional
awards, including the 2004 ASME Worcester Read Warner Medal for
outstanding contributions to the permanent literature of
engineering; 2001 IMAPS John A. Wagnon Technical Achievement Award
for outstanding contributions to the technical knowledge of the
microelectronics, optoelectronics, and packaging industry; 2000
IEEE-CPMT Outstanding Sustained Technical Contribution Award; 2000
SPE International Engineering/Technology Award for contributions to
plastics engineering; 1999 ASME Charles Russ Richards Memorial
Award for contributions to mechanical engineering; and 1996 Bell
Laboratories Distinguished Member of Technical Staff Award for
developing engineering mechanics methods for predicting the
reliability, performance, and mechanical behavior of complex
DAVID S. STEINBERG is associated with the University of
California, Los Angeles, Extension and also at the University of
Wisconsin-Extension. He retired from Litton GCS (now Northrop
Grumman) after serving as their director of engineering. He is the
author of seven popular textbooks related to the design, analysis,
testing, and evaluation of sophisticated electronic equipment for
reliable operation in severe vibration, shock, thermal, thermal
cycling, acoustic, and pyrotechnic shock environments. His most
popular textbooks are Vibration Analysis for Electronic
Equipment, Cooling Techniques for Electronic Equipment, and
Preventing Thermal Cycling and Vibration Failures in Electronic
Equipment, published by Wiley. Dr. Steinberg is currently the
President of Steinberg & Associates and has presented seminars,
workshops, and consulted for many of the major suppliers of
electronics components and equipment such as General Electric,
General Motors, Intel, Cisco, Texas Instruments, Microsoft, Harris,
Honeywell, Raytheon, Westinghouse, and many others.
T. X. YU is Professor Emeritus of Mechanical Engineering
at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST).
After graduating from Peking University, he got his Ph D and Sc D
from Cambridge University. After teaching at Peking University and
UMIST, he joined HKUST in 1995. Before his retirement in July 2010,
he was chair professor of mechanical engineering, associate
vice-president (R&D), and dean of Fok Ying Tung Graduate School
at HKUST. His research interests include impact dynamics,
plasticity, energy absorption, textile and cellular materials, and
nano-composites. He has published three textbooks, three scientific
monographs, 310 journal papers, 170 international conference
papers, and four patents. He serves as Associate Editor for the
International Journal of Impact Engineering and International
Journal of Mechanical Sciences. He is a Fellow of ASME, IMech E,
and HKIE.