Media Anthropology is an interdisciplinary reader that represents a convergence of issues and interests on anthropological approaches to the study of media. While other books on this topic examine traditional anthropology and push that field toward the media, in this book, editors Eric W. Rothenbuhler and Mihai Coman take a novel approach by analyzing media studies and guiding that field toward anthropological thinking. This anthology charts media anthropology as a field of study and provides examples of current research that identify its major concepts and methods in chapters written by leading scholars from several countries and academic disciplines.
Key Features :
- Offers original articles, and a few selected reprints, from leading worldwide scholars in a variety of academic disciplines to provide the most integrated treatment of this interdisciplinary topic
- Contains introductions that set the context for articles written from varying points of view
- Includes a ‘Theory into Practice’ section that shows how anthropological concepts and methods can improve the teaching and practice of media studies
- Makes the relevant literature accessible in an up-to-date and even-handed organization, offering students a broader understanding than they could obtain from other books, which are primarily anthropological in disciplinary orientation
Media Anthropology is an excellent textbook for undergraduate and graduate students studying media anthropology in communication and media studies, journalism, anthropology, sociology, and cultural studies programs.
Table of Content
The Promise of Media Anthropology – Mihai Coman, University of Bucharest and Eric W. Rothenbuhler, Texas A&M University
Media Anthropology, An Introduction – Faye Ginsberg, New York University
The Profanity of the Media – Mark Hobart, University of London
Proposal for Mass Media Anthropology – Francisco Osorio, University of Chile
Cultural Anthropology and Mass Media: A Processual Approach – Mihai Coman, University of Bucharest
Media Rituals: Beyond Functionalism – Nick Couldry, The London School of Economics and Political Science
Ritual Media: Historical Perspectives and Social Functions – Pascal Lardellier, Université de Bourgogne, France
The Emergence of Religious Forms in Television – Günter Thomas, Universität Heidelberg
The Church of the Cult of the Individual – Eric Rothenbuhler, Texas A&M University
News as Myth: Daily News and Eternal Stories – Jack Lule, Lehigh University
News Stories and Myth – the Impossible Reunion? – Mihai Coman, University of Bucharest
News as Stories – Michael Schudson, University of Calfornia at San Diego
Performing Media: Toward an Ethnography of Intertextuality – Mark Peterson, Miami University
Audience Ethnographies: A Media Engagement Approach – Antonio La Pastina, Texas A&M University
Picturing Practices: Visual Anthropology and Media Ethnography – Graham Murdock and Sarah Pink
The Pope′s Visit to Reunion Island – Daniel Dayan, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique
Ground Zero, the Firemen, and the Symbolics of Touch on 9/11 and After – Eric W. Rothenbuhler, Texas A&M University
Myths to the Rescue: How Live Television Intervenes in History – Tamar Liebes and Menahem Blondheim, Hebrew University of Jersusalem
Finding Aids to the Past: Bearing Personal Witness to Traumatic Public Events – Barbie Zelizer, Annenberg School for Communications, University of Pennsylvania
Telling What-a-Story News Through Myth and Ritual: The Middle East as Wild West – Daniel Berkowitz, University of Iowa
CJ′s Revenge: A Case Study of News as Cultural Narrative – S. Elizabeth Bird, University of South Florida
Ritualized Play, Art, and Communication on Internet Relay Chat – Brenda Danet, Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Emerita) and Yale University
Religion and Meaning in the Digital Age: Field Research on Internet/Web Religion – Stewart M. Hoover and Jin Kyu Park, University of Colorado
Weaving Trickster: Myth and Tribal Encounters on the World Wide Web – Anita Hammer, University of Oslo
The Mass Media and the Transformation of Collective Identity: Quebec and Israel – Dov Shinar, Ben Gurion University of the Negev
Media Anthropology: A Reflection and a New Media – Susan Allen, Kansas State University
Speaking with the Sources: Science Writes and Anthropologists – Merry Bruns, Center for Anthropology and Science Communications
The Journalist as Enthnographer? How Anthropology can Enrich Journalistic Practice – S. Elizabeth Bird, University of South Florida
Journalism Education and Practice – Gerd Kopper, University of Dortmund
The Public Sphere: Linking the Media and Civic Cultures – Peter Dahlgren, Lund University
About the Authors
About the author
Mihai Coman Born in Fagaras, Romania, in 1953, Mihai Coman has graduated from the College of Letters within the University of Bucharest (1976), and holds a Ph D in Letters (1985). He was teacher in a Romanian high school (1976-1982), journalist (1982-1989) and publisher (1989-1990). He was the first Dean of the School of Journalism and Mass Communication Studies within the University of Bucharest, and the first coordinator of doctoral studies in communications. Mihai Coman is considered to be the founder of journalism and communication education in Romania. Until 1989 he had specialized in cultural anthropology studies on Romanian folklore. He has published four volumes of mythology studies (The Sources of Myth – 1980, The Sister of Sun – 1983, Mythos and Epos – 1985, The Point and the Spiral – 1992) and a vast synthesis on animal mythology (Bestiarul mitologic roman, 1986, 1988, second edition published in 1996). Other mythology studies have appeared in scientific journals L’Ethnologie francaise, Etudes indo-europeennes, Kurier. After 1989 he published the reference volume Introducere in sistemul mass media and has coordinated the two volumes of Manual de jurnalism, a book which sold more than 20, 000 copies. In this period he has started to elaborate the theoretical and analytical framework of mass media anthropology through studies published in scientific journals such as the francophone Reseaux, Media Pouvoirs, Communication, or in collections such as Roger Tessier (ed), La transition en Roumanie – communication et qualite de la vie, Montreal, Presse de l’Universite du Quebec, 1995, J. M. Pomorskiego, Z. Bajki (ed), Valeriana, Essays on Human Communication, in honour of Valery Pissarek, Krakow, 1996, Bernard Miege, Gaetan Tremblay (ed), 2001 Bogues: globalisme at pluralisme, vol I (TIC et societe), Laval, Les Presses Universitaires du Laval, 2003, INA – Television, memoire et identite nationale, Paris, L’Harmattan, 2003. In 2003, as a synthesis of these investigations, he published with Presses Universitaires de Grenoble the book Pour une anthropologie des medias.
He has also published numerous scientific studies in journals and books dedicated to the transformations in the mass media in post-communist countries (Romänischer Journalismus in einer Übergangspériode, in vol. “Medienlandschaft im Umbruch”, Berlin, Vistas, 1994, The Third Elite, in Ph. Glenn, O. Soltys (ed), “Media′95”, Prague, Charles University Press, 1996, Les Journalistes roumains et leur idéologie professionelle, en K. Feigelson, N. Pelissier (ed), ‘Télé-révolutions culturelles: Chine, Europe Centrale, Russie’, Paris, Ed. L′Harmattan, 1998, Developments in Journalism Theory about Media ‘Transition’ in Central and Eastern Europe (1990-1999), in “Journalism Studies”, nr. 1, vol. 1, 2000, Media in Romania (A Sourcebook), Berlin, Vistas Verlang, 2004)
Mihai Coman was visiting professor at Institut Fur Journalistik, Dortmund University, Germany (2000-2001), at The Department of Communication of the University Stendhal, Grenoble, France (1998-1999) at The Department of Communication of the University Paris XIII, France (1996), at The Department of Communication, University of Quebec at Montreal (1993) and a Fulbright researcher at Department of Communication, California State University, Chico, USA (1999)
He is a member of international organizations (AEJMC, EJTA, IAMCR, AAA, ORBICOM), and on the editorial boards of communication journals such as Reseaux, Communication, Journalism Studies.