What can James teach us about mission?
While books on a New Testament theology of mission abound, most of them focus only on certain tried-and-true books and passages while often ignoring the contribution of the General Epistles. In Reading Hebrews Missiologically and Reading 1 Peter Missiologically, we began to address this gap in missiological scholarship, and we seek to continue in the same vein in this work on the book of James.
Reading James Missiologically explores the missionary dimensions of the Epistle of James through three parts: the missionary motive is the reason behind missionary efforts (the why), the missionary message reveals what missionaries communicate (the what), and the missionary methods outline strategies for mission (the how). The global contributors examine James’s profound call to action among the poor and inspire believers toward holistic engagement with the world as “doers of the word, not hearers only” (Jas 1:22 ESV).
Tabla de materias
Chapter 1: Holistic Mission: The Vision of Mission in James by Allen Yeh
Chapter 2: The New Birth and the Vision of God’s Mission in James by James A. Roh
Chapter 3: What Has Quito to Do with Jerusalem? C. René Padilla’s Integral Missiology in the Context of James 2:1–17 by Christopher Howles
Chapter 4: Restoring the Kingdom to Israel: Promise and Eschatology in the Epistle of James by Benjamin E. Castaneda
Chapter 5: Eschatology and Mission in James by Jeffrey S. Krohn
Chapter 6: The Poor at the Heart of the Mission: A Call to the Church to Align with God’s Mission by Nelson R. Morales Fredes
Chapter 7: Rahab in James: A Corrective Missiological Paradigm by Jessica Janvier
Chapter 8: Holistic Mission in James and the Early Church by Edward L. Smither
Chapter 9: Riches and Poverty in James: Exploring Christian Identity within a Covenantal Framework by Vuyani Stanely Sindo
Chapter 10: The Word of God and Christian Mission in James 1:22–25 by James E. Morrison
Chapter 11: Theology of Mission and Prosperity in James by Leita Ngoy
Chapter 12: Mercy as Mission in James: Practicing Gospel Care toward Those in Need by John D. Harvey
Chapter 13: The Poor, the Rich, and God’s Mission in James by Joseph K. Pak
Chapter 14: Wisdom from James for Managerial Missions by Sarah Lunsford
Chapter 15: Teaching and Missiological Implications from James 3:1–2 by Thomas W. Seckler
Chapter 16: James and Refugees: A Call to Care for the Vulnerable by Cindy M. Wu
Chapter 17: Mission to an Unjust World through God’s Scattered, Persevering Children by Jeanne Wu
Chapter 18: Prayer, Worship, and Holistic Mission in the Letter of James by Grant Le Marquand
About the Contributors
Scripture Index
Sobre el autor
Edward L. Smither (Ph D, University of Wales-Trinity Saint David; Ph D, University of Pretoria) is Dean of the School of Missions and Intercultural Ministry and Professor of History of Global Christianity at Columbia International University. Previously, he served for fourteen years in intercultural ministry in North Africa, France, and the USA. His previous books include Christian Mission: A Concise Global History and Mission as Hospitality.