Dr. Aisling Leavy is Head of STEM Education at Mary Immaculate College, University of Limerick. Her research interests include statistical thinking and reasoning, children’s mathematical thinking, and mathematics teacher education. Aisling is currently an Associate Editor of Statistics Education Research Journal and General Editor of Irish Educational Studies. She publishes in international scholarly journals in the areas of statistics education, mathematics education, and prospective teachers’ attitudes towards and knowledge of mathematics and statistics. Dr. Maria Meletiou-Mavrotheris is a Professor of Mathematics Education at the European University Cyprus, and Director of the Research Laboratory in ICT-Enhanced Education. Her research concentrates on issues related to the teaching and learning of statistics, mathematics, science, and technology education. She has produced numerous publications in scholarly international journals and edited volumes, and has been able to attract considerable funding from national and international sources. Her research record includes the coordination of multiple EU-funded projects, including the Socrates-Comenius project EarlyStatistics: Enhancing the Teaching and Learning of Early Statistical Reasoning in European Schools.Dr. Efi Paparistodemou is a teacher educator at Cyprus Pedagogical Institute. She holds degrees in Education, Mathematics and Statistics, and a PhD in Mathematics Education. She has worked as a teacher, a special math educator, a math textbook writer and as an Assistant Professor at the European University Cyprus. Her research concentrates on issues related to statistics, probability, mathematics teacher education and technology. She has worked in European projects (e.g. EarlyStatistics) and published on mathematics and statistics education, technology education, prospective and in-service teacher development, and professional learning in mathematics.
2 Ebooks de Aisling Leavy
Aisling Leavy & Maria Meletiou-Mavrotheris: Statistics in Early Childhood and Primary Education
This compilation focuses on the theory and conceptualisation of statistics and probability in the early years and the development of young children’s (ages 3-10) understanding of data and chance. It …
Aisling Leavy & Margaret Nohilly: Perspectives on Childhood
This collection brings together various cutting-edge and accessible perspectives and insights into the rich, complex and intriguing stage of life that is childhood. Contributions here relate specific …