Networking for Nerds provides a step-by-step guide to understanding how to access hidden professional opportunities through networking. With an emphasis on practical advice on how and why to network, you will learn how to formulate and execute a strategic networking plan that is dynamic, multidimensional, and leverages social media platforms and other networking channels.
An invaluable resource for both established and early-career scientists and engineers (as well as networking neophytes!), Networking for Nerds offers concrete insight on crafting professional networks that are mutually beneficial and support the advancement of both your career goals and your scholarly ambitions.
‘Networking’ does not mean going to one reception or speaking with a few people at one conference, and never contacting them again. Rather, ‘networking’ involves a spectrum of activities that engages both parties, ensures everyone’s value is appropriately communicated, and allows for the exploration of a win-win collaboration of some kind.
Written by award-winning entrepreneur and strategic career planning expert Alaina G. Levine, Networking for Nerds is an essential resource for anyone working in scientific and engineering fields looking to enhance their professional planning for a truly fulfilling, exciting, and stimulating career.
Tabla de materias
Foreword xi
Introduction xiii
1 The Importance of Networking and the Hidden Platter of Opportunities TM 1
Eight Networking Myths 4
Understanding the Hidden Career Market 10
Breaking into the Hidden Job Market 11
Chapter Takeaways 14
Notes 14
2 Understanding and Articulating Your Value Proposition 15
Your Unique Problem-Solving Abilities: The Cornerstone of Your Value 16
Brand, Attitude, and Reputation: The Networking Trifecta of Triumph 24
Your Brand Statement/Elevator Pitch/30 Second (or Less) Commercial 33
Chapter Takeaways 42
Notes 43
3 Determining the Right Opportunities for Me 45
The Concept and Pursuit of Bliss 45
Your Personal SWOT Analysis 47
Your Career Opportunities 50
Chapter Takeaways 54
Note 54
4 Establishing Your Brand and Reputation to Gain
Access to the Hidden Platter of Opportunities TM 55
Always Ask Questions 55
Asking Questions of non-STEM Professionals 57
Stupid Questions 62
Seeking Mentors: The Importance of Mentor-Protégé Partnerships in Networking 63
Being Professional 71
Professional Etiquette in Networking 74
The Tale of the Ball O’ Butter 75
Taking Advantage of Every Opportunity 85
Failure is the Ultimate Opportunity 88
Self-promotion – The Right Way 90
Chapter Takeaways 105
Notes 105
5 Developing Your Networking Strategy 107
Identifying your Goals for Networking 107
The Art and Science of the Thank You Note 121
Following Up 124
Organizing Your Network 127
Continuing to Follow Up and Look for Opportunities to
Exchange Value over Time 127
Chapter Takeaways 128
6 Identifying People for Your Networks 129
Start With Who You Know 129
Institutional Networking 130
Diversity Groups within Organizations and Companies 132
Professional Societies 133
Conferences 139
Articles 149
Regional Industrial Representatives: Regional Economic Development Organizations, Chambers of Commerce, Industry ‘Cluster’ Associations 153
Alumni Associations 161
Regional Philanthropic Organizations 164
‘Young Professionals’ Societies 165
Religious and Political Affiliations 166
Regional STEM-related Activities 166
Spontaneous Networking – On an Airplane, Train, Taxi 168
Other Places to Meet People 170
Create Your Own Networking Opportunity! 171
Chapter Takeaways 171
Notes 172
7 Networking at an Event 173
Pre-Event Strategies 173
Attending the Event 176
Conversation Starters 178
Conversations Enders 181
If the Person is a Jerk 182
Following Up 184
Chapter Takeaways 184
Note 184
8 Social Media Networking 185
Principal Pillars of Social Media Networking 187
Preparation 189
Building your Linked In Presence 191
Linked In Groups 197
Facebook 201
Twitter 203
Other Social Media Sites 206
Launching a Blog 207
Your Klout Score 209
Chapter Takeaways 209
Notes 210
9 The Networking Continuum 211
Index 219
Sobre el autor
Alaina G. Levine is President of Quantum Success Solutions, a career consulting enterprise with focus on advancing the professional development expertise of scientists and engineers. She is an award-winning, internationally known science and engineering career consultant, science journalist, professional speaker, and comedian.