Investment Banker. Rock band manager. All-women’s brokerage firm founder. Self-help greeting card guru. Cosmo’s Bachelor of the Month. These are just a few of the labels that accurately describe Alan Gelband, in addition to “devoted husband, ” “proud father” and “deeply loyal friend.” In this memoir, written on the evening of his 75th birthday, Gelband recounts it all with honesty, humor and searching insight into what the human experience is all about. His conclusion? It really is a crazy ride, and he’s an awfully lucky man.(Movie actor, Executive Producer)
Sobre el autor
Alan Gelband is President and CEO of Alan Gelband & Co., an independent investment banking firm through which he has closed over one hundred transactions. Born and raised in Queens, life took him to Michigan, Chicago, and LA, where he spent time as owner of a gas station, president of a carpet company, founder of an all-women’s Brokerage firm, film producer, manager of a rock band, and Cosmopolitan Magazine’s Bachelor of the Month, amongst other adventures. Along the way, he traveled the world collecting great stories and even better friends, before meeting the love of his life, Denise, and settling back in New York to start the family of which he is so deeply proud. Alan is an alumnus of University of Michigan’s Ross School of Business and served as President of the Association for Corporate Growth, International. He and Denise live between New York and East Hampton.
Michelle Miller left her job at JP Morgan in 2013 to write. Her debut novel, The Underwriting, was subsequently published in sixteen languages and adapted into a television series for Fox. She’s since published two best-selling short story collections, dabbled in essay writing and developed a television series for Amazon. She holds a BA and MBA from Stanford University, and splits her time between London and Asheville, North Carolina, where she was born and raised.