Autor: Alessandro Fontana

Michel Foucault, acknowledged as the pre-eminent philosopher of France in the 1970s and 1980s, continues to have enormous impact throughout the world in many disciplines.

3 Ebooks de Alessandro Fontana

Michel Foucault: Subjectivity and Truth
“The working hypothesis is this:  it is true that sexuality as experience is obviously not independent of codes and systems of prohibitions, but it needs to be recalled straightaway that these c …
Jürgen Herget & Alessandro Fontana: Palaeohydrology
The book provides a review of the most relevant topics on the booming discipline of palaeohydrology and focuses on previous extreme events like exceptional floods and droughts. Reviews written by lea …
Alessandro Fontana: Il vizio occulto
Introduzione di Paolo Carta Dal XVII secolo, la vecchia conoscenza di sé è stata soppiantata dall’ermeneutica dell’altro: l’altro come ricettacolo di segreti, teatro di finzioni, gioco di simulazioni …