Autor: Alexis Nouss

Fabio Vighi is Reader in European Cinema, School of European Studies, Cardiff University, Wales. His research interests range from psychoanalytic theory to film, political and critical theory. His latest books are On Žižek»s Dialectics: Surplus, Subtraction, Sublimation (Continuum, 2010), and Sexual Difference in European Cinema: the Curse of Enjoyment (Palgrave-Macmillan, 2009). Alexis Nuselovici (Nouss) is Chair of Modern Cultural Studies, School of European Studies, Cardiff University, Wales. His research interests include theory of translation, European cultures, cultural hybridity and métissage, Holocaust literature. His more recent books are Plaidoyer pour un monde métis (Plea for a Métis World; Paris: Textuel, 2005) and Paul Celan. Les lieux d»un déplacement (Paul Celan: Sites of a Displacement; Lormont: Éditions Le Bord de l»Eau, 2010).

3 Ebooks de Alexis Nouss

Fabio Vighi: Pasolini, Fassbinder and Europe
The present collection of essays brings into dialogue Pier Paolo Pasolini (1922-1975) and Rainer Werner Fassbinder (1945-1982) by comparing their cultural and intellectual legacy. Pasolini and Fassbi …
Alexis Nouss: Le déportement
Circulation et, corollairement, communication sont les deux principes qui semblent régir les modes de comportement contemporains dans les sociétés occidentales ainsi que l’a montré, négativement, la …
Alexis Nouss: La Culture et les revolvers
"Quand j’entends le mot culture, je sors mon revolver", aurait affirme Joseph Goebbels. Mais face aux guerres et crises en tous genres, la culture n’aurait-elle pas, elle aussi, la capacite …