Christianity’s center of gravity has tilted from the Euro-American West to the global South. Driving this shift is the emergence of charismatic renewal movements among Protestant, Roman Catholic, and Orthodox churches. This reshaping of the theological landscape has inspired prominent theologian Amos Yong to construct a cutting-edge theology for the twenty-first century. Within a Pentecostal and evangelical framework, Yong’s Renewing Christian Theology is a primer on how to think theologically in a global context.
Students seeking an introduction to systematic theology will not only discover the treasures of the tradition but will also encounter a revolutionary pastoral theology that bridges Pentecostal, charismatic, evangelical, and ecumenical traditions. Yong’s theological imagination prioritizes Christian hope, gifts of the Spirit, baptism, sanctification, and healing. Renewing Christian Theology unveils an inclusive theology conversant with contemporary theological movements–theology and science, contextual theologies, intercultural theologies, theology and disability, public theologies, theology and the arts, and theological aesthetics. Renewing Christian Theology is theology for the twenty-first-century church.
Tabla de materias
1. Introduction: Renewing Christian Theology – the Contemporary Task in Global Context
2. The Last Days and the End of Time: Christian Hope Then and Now
3. The Gifts of the Holy Spirit: Christian Ministry and the Mission of God
4. The Baptism in the Holy Spirit: A Salvation-Historical Perspective
5. Sanctification and Holiness: In the World But Not of It
6. Ordinances and Sacraments: Practicing the Christian Life
7. The Church and Its Mission: The Spirit of the Reconciling God
8. Divine Healing: Salvation of the Body and Redemption of the World
9. Salvation in Christ through the Spirit: An Eschatological Soteriology
10. Creation and Fall: Natural History and the Redemptive Ends of God
11. The Eternal Godhead: The Mystery of the Triune God in a World of Many Faiths
12. The Spirit-Inspired Scriptures: Biblical Authority and Theological Methods for Us and Our Salvation
Sobre el autor
Amos Yong (Ph.D. Boston University) is Professor of Theology and Mission and director of the Center for Missiological Research at Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, California.
Jonathan A. Anderson is Associate Professor of Art at Biola University.