Ius Gentium Asiana – is a timely work of classic fiction. Each work of fiction addresses key issues in foreign affairs, in Yemen, North Korea and Ukraine. The House of Saud Saudi Arabia and the Americans are both embroiled in Yemen. The Houthi tribes and warlords are everywhere, wishing to form a parliament in Yemen, after the ousting of the legitimate rulers of the country. Sheikh Hamid, of the Royal House of Saud, is a modernist, and is caught in the dilemma that confronts Saudi Arabia – with ongoing conflicts in Yemen and the wider regions of Arabia as a whole. The House of Romanov Russia gets dragged into conflicts in Syria and Ukraine. Anastasia wonders if the Minsk agreements set up by Chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel will hold. She begins a journey to discover more about Ukraine? The House of Akishino – During the weeks, before the unrest in the Indo Pacific begins, over North Korea – Prince Akishino and his friend and colleague, Japanese legal counsel, Yakomoto debate, over the growing need for the unification of North and South Korea.
Sobre el autor
Amy Johnson the author – studied International Relations, an aspect of International Public law and Diplomacy at a top centre for International studies. Her Thesis in International relations, was entitled, Cold War, Middle East and Far East policy, a historical perspective. She gained deep insights in areas of foreign relations, from her academic studies, Air Force staff college in various jurisdictions, and studied Conflict, peace and security, the evolving character of global and supra national institutions, interpretation of civic societies and international diplomacy, exploration of juristic constitutionalism at national and international levels; peace, conflict, religion and politics in the Arabian Peninsula. Furthermore, she studied the principles of American, Russian, Arabic, indo-pacific and far eastern foreign policies including foreign policy and strategy in Syria and the Middle East. She studied the impact of the balance of power doctrine, and containment in Europe, Arabia, and Indo-pacific, by the USA on the one hand and Russia on the other. She has worked closely with defence and International relations professionals and led debates in key areas of foreign affairs. She has been an invited speaker at many literary events, in the West, East, and Far East and worked in related fields at university and other institutions. She as an academic has presented her published articles at global institutions, in Canada, America, Sydney, Israel, Europe, Paris, Germany, Australia, New York, London, Las Vegas. She has a special passion for, foreign relations having worked in research areas, on the council of defence, strategic initiative, foreign affairs, international, public law, international relations, arbitration, mediation, strategic diplomacy. She is a first author on many academic, scientific and literary publications, review articles, conference proceedings, published in high impact conference proceedings and academic journals. She has published similar themes on International conflict, defence, strategic principles, peace initiatives, foreign affairs, and policy.