Sooner or later, it was bound to happen. Climate change crept up on earth with a vengeance. Man had only one option to seek greater ways of protecting earth, of populating Mars and to explore more exoplanets. This then is a story of the journey of a few bold astronauts churning into the columns of space.
Pendulum Swing is inspired by the Mars Exploration agenda of NASA, the discovery of six or more Kepler (earthlike planets), and climate change. Climate change, the dangers posed from meteors, a weakened magnetosphere, has forced us to look for survival plans to nearby exoplanets. Mars the roman god of war has been an object of fascination to NASA scientists. Once thought to have canals, the red planet is becoming increasingly familiar as exploration continues. The next frontier is to colonize the planet in the next thirty years. NASA released in 2014 a thirty-year vision for the futureif we are alone, what exoplanets exist, what they are, the search for life and listing them. It is hoped that the coming decades will see giant strides forward in finding earthlike, exo-earths, and to tease out their fundamental physics and astrological phenomenon. In the electromagnetic spectrum, young stars, galaxies in near optical wavelengthsare seen in star fixing regions, in the ultravioletthe million degree gas of galaxy clusters and black hole accretion disks light up in x-rays, gravitational waves are seen rippling through space and time and colossal events of merging black holes can be studied. Pendulum swing thus brings together in a fictional form certain aspects of NASA research.
Sobre el autor
The author was born in Kashmir, India, and her father served as an officer with the Eighth Gurkha Rifles with the British and Indian Armies. The author’s uncles both served in the world wars. Her paternal uncle was a great influence in her life and served as a naval attaché under President Eisenhower. She married an air force officer and pilot with whom she traveled to many places in Asia, Europe, Africa, the Far East, and the Americas.
She primarily trained as a scientist, a molecular geneticist, and conducted research in cell membrane genetics, signaling and transduction systems, collaborating with Jefferson Medical School in Philadelphia, Sloan Kettering in New York, and NIH in Bethesda.
After obtaining her doctorate, she taught and researched extensively in molecular genetics and biomedical sciences. She entered the legal profession, trained as a lawyer with a highly reputable international firm, and completed her master’s degree in intellectual property law, earning a first with distinction in her dissertation. She later completed a master’s course in international relations and politics, which serves as a foundation for many of her books.
The author has two sons. One is an officer with the RAF and married to a British Airways pilot and first officer. The second son is training for a career in aviation as a trainee pilot, hoping to follow in the well-established family tradition, but engages an additional passion for Formula One racing. The author is currently an entrant with the Faculty of Advocates and College of Justice in Edinburgh, Scotland.