Autor: Ana Paula Pinto Correia

João Goes graduated from IST, Lisbon, in ECE, in 1992. He obtained the M.Sc. & the Ph.D. degrees in ECE, respectively, in 1996 & 2000, from the Tech. Unive. of Lisbon & the ‘Agregado’ degree («Habilitation» degree) in 2012 from the UNL. He has been with the DEE of the FCT of UNL, since April 1998 where he is currently an Asso. Pro. &, since July 2012, he has been heading the Dept. From 1998 he has been a Senior Researcher at the CTS at UNINOVA & responsible for the Micro & Nanoelectronics research Unit. In Nov. 2012 he became the Director of CTS.  

1 Ebooks de Ana Paula Pinto Correia

Ana Paula Pinto Correia & Pedro Miguel Cândido Barquinha: A Second-Order ΣΔ ADC Using Sputtered IGZO TFTs
This books discusses the design, electrical simulation and layout of a 2nd-order ∑∆ analog-to-digital converter (ADC), using oxide thin-film transistors (TFTs) technology. The authors provide a …