Autor: Andre Heck

Place and date of birth: Jalhay (Belgium), 20 Sept. 1946. Nationalities: Belgian (birth), French (2004). Languages: Walloon (mother tongue), French (education language), English, Spanish (excellent knowledge), German (good knowledge), practical notions of a number of other languages. University degrees: Master of mathematics – Liège State University (1969) (title of the thesis: Apsidal motion and internal structure of the stars) Master of education – Liège State University (1969) Post-graduate certificates – Liège State University: General astrophysics (1970), Celestial mechanics (1970), Modern techniques of documentation (1971), Modern techniques of astrophysical observations (1972), Structure and dynamics of the Galaxy (1973) Post-graduate certificate – Paris VI University: Probability and statistics (1970) Ph.D. («Doctorat d»Etat») – Liège State University (1975) – title of the theses: Application of the maximum-likelihood principle to the calibration of stellar luminosity criteria (main thesis). The multivariate statistical analysis provides indications on the meaning of photometric indices. Certification in management – Management Center Europe (1981) Certification in marketing, communication techniques and advertising – Strasbourg III University (1985) D.Sc. («Agrégation de l»Enseignement Supérieur Universitaire») – Liège State University (1985) – title of the theses: A few new contributions to astronomical statitics (main thesis). The photometric behavior of the irregular variable V348 Sgr shows that the characteristic times of variation proposed previously were incorrect. The statistical parallaxes obtained by application of the maximum-likelihood principle allow a consistent and independent recalibration of the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram. The quasi-periodic variations detected in the very slow nova RR Tel since its 1944 outburst explicit the role of the Mira component of the system. Therotation of the Galaxy (academic lecture). Habilitation to direct researches – Louis Pasteur (Strasbourg I) University (1986). Past and present positions: Research Fellow of the Belgian Fund for Scientific Research, Liège Institute of Astrophysics, Belgium (1969-1970) Assistant Professor, Liège Institute of Astrophysics, Belgium (1970-1978) Visiting Astronomer, Paris Astronomical Observatory, France (first semester 1971) Associated Astronomer, Strasbourg Astronomical Observatory, France (May 1976) Resident Astronomer, European Space Agency (ESA) International Ultraviolet Explorer (IUE) Ground Observatory, Villafranca del Castillo, Spain (1977-1980) Deputy and Acting Observatory Controller, ESA IUE Ground Observatory, Villafranca del Castillo, Spain (1980-1983) Associated Astronomer, Strasbourg Astronomical Observatory, France (1983-1986) Astronomer, Strasbourg Astronomical Observatory, France (1986- ) Director, Strasbourg Astronomical Observatory, France (1988-1990) Invited Chair Professor, Porto University, Portugal (October-November 1990) Publications: ESA IUE Newsletter 1-4 (1979) Third European IUE Conference (with E. Rolfe & B. Battrick), ESA SP-176 (1982) xiv + 622 pp. (ISSN 0379-6566) UV Stellar Classification (with B. Battrick), ESA SP-182 (1982) vi + 136 pp. (ISSN 0379-6566) Newsletter of the `Working Group for Modern Astronomical Methodology» (with F. Murtagh) 1-8 (1985-1989) Astronomy from Large Databases. Scientific Objectives and Methodological Approaches. Garching, 12-14 October 1987 (with F. Murtagh), ESO Conf. & Workshop Proc. 28 (1988) xiv + 512 pp. (ISBN 3-923524-28-5) Knowledge-Based Systems in Astronomy (with F. Murtagh), Lectures Notes in Physics 329, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg (1989) ii + 280 pp. (ISBN 3-540-51044-3 & 0-387-51044-3) Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Astronomy — Techniques d»Intelligence Artificielle pour l»Astronomie (XIe Journée de Strasbourg — XIth Strasbourg Astronomical Day), Obs. Astron. Strasbourg (1989) viii + 82 pp. (ISSN 0989-621x — ISBN 2-906361-04-6) Fractals in Astronomy — Fractales en Astronomie (XIIe Journée de Strasbourg — XIIth Strasbourg Astronomical Day), Vistas in Astron. 33 (1990) 245-424 Newsletter of the IAU Comm. 5 Working Group on `Astronomical Data» (1991-1994) Applying Fractals to Astronomy (with J.M. Perdang), Lectures Notes in Physics m3, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg (1991) x + 210 pp. (ISBN 3-540-54353-8 & 0-387-54353-8) Desktop Publishing in Astronomy and Space Sciences, World Scientific, Singapore (1992) xii + 240 pp. (ISBN 981-02-0915-0). Astronomy from Large Databases II. Haguenau, 14-16 September 1992 (with F. Murtagh), ESO Conf. & Workshop Proc. 43 (1992) x + 534 pp. (ISBN 3-923524-47-1) Intelligent Information Retrieval: The Case of Astronomy and Related Space Sciences (with F. Murtagh), Astrophys. Sp. Sc. Library 182, Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht (1993) iv + 214 pp. (ISBN 0-7923-2295-9). Weaving the Astronomy Web (with D. Egret), Vistas in Astron. 39 (1995) i-x + 1-126 Strategies and Techniques of Information for Astronomy (with F. Murtagh), Vistas in Astron. 40 (1996) 361-440 Electronic Publishing for Physics and Astronomy, Astrophys. Sp. Sc. Library 224, Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht (1997) viii + 250 pp. (ISBN 0-7923-4820-6) + Astrophys. Sp. Sc. 247 (1997) viii + 250 pp. Proceedings of the Fifth Workshop on Data Analysis in Astronomy (with V. Di Gesú, M.J.B. Duff, M.C. Maccarone, L. Scarsi & H.U. Zimmermann), World Scientific, Singapore (1997) xiv + 422 pp. (ISBN 981-02-3171-7). From Information Fusion to Data Mining (with R. Molina & F. Murtagh), Vistas in Astron. 41 (1997) 327-461 Post-Hipparcos Cosmic Candles (with F. Caputo), Astrophys. Sp. Sc. Library 237, Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht (1999) x + 284 pp. (ISBN 0-7923-5348-x). Harmonizing Cosmic Distance Scales in a Post-Hipparcos Era (with D. Egret), Astron. Soc. Pacific Conf. Ser. 167 (1999) xxiv + 342 pp. (ISBN 1-886733-88-0) Information Handling in Astronomy, Astrophys. Sp. Sc. Library 250, Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht (2000) x + 242 pp. (ISBN 0-7923-6494-5) Organizations and Strategies in Astronomy, Astrophys. Sp. Sc. Library 256, Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht (2000) x + 222 pp. (ISBN 0-7023-6671-9).  Organizations and Strategies in Astronomy II, Astrophys. Sp. Sc. Library 266, Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht (2001) x + 292 pp. (ISBN 0-7923-7172-0). Organizations and Strategies in Astronomy III, Astrophys. Sp. Sc. Library 280, Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht (2002) x + 234 pp. (ISBN 1-4020-0812-0). Information Handling in Astronomy — Historical Vistas, Astrophys. Sp. Sc. Library 285 , Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht (2003) xii + 294 pp. (ISBN 1-4020-1178-4). Astronomy Communication (with Cl. Madsen), Astrophys. Sp. Sc. Library 290, Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht (2003) x + 226 pp. (ISBN 1-4020-1345-0). Organizations and Strategies in Astronomy — Vol. 4, Astrophys. Sp. Sc. Library 296, Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht (2003) xii + 325 pp. (ISBN 1-4020-1526-7). Organizations and Strategies in Astronomy — Vol. 5, Astrophys. Sp. Sc. Library 310, Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht (2004) xii + 309 pp. (ISBN 1-4020-2570-X). Strasbourg Astronomical Observatory, its People and their Science over the Years, Astrophys. Sp. Sc. Library,  Springer, Dordrecht (2005), in preparation. Behind the Scenes: The Untold Story (AB), in preparation

22 Ebooks de Andre Heck

Andre HECK: The Multinational History of Strasbourg Astronomical Observatory
Strasbourg Astronomical Observatory is quite an interesting place for historians: several changes of nationality between France and Germany, high-profile scientists having been based there, big proje …
Andre Heck: Organizations and Strategies in Astronomy 6
When I wasa child, growing up in South America, I often went camping in the wild and hence had direct access to the wondrous Southern sky; the Southern Cross was all mine at the time. Little did I …
Andre HECK: Organizations and Strategies in Astronomy 7
Astronomy isthemostancientsciencehumanshavepracticedon Earth. Itisascienceofextremesandoflargenumbers:extremesoftime–fromthe big bang to in?nity –, of distances, of temperatures, of density and …
Andre Heck: Information Handling in Astronomy – Historical Vistas
This book is dedicated to the memory of Gisele Mersch whose life ended prematurely in June 2002. Back in the 1970s, when few people were using them, Gisele introduced me to the arcane secrets of then …
Andre Heck: StarGuides Plus
Star Guides Plus represents the most comprehensive and accurately validated collection of practical data on organizations involved in astronomy, related space sciences and other related fields. This …
Andre Heck: StarBriefs Plus
With about 200, 000 entries, Star Briefs Plus represents the most comprehensive and accurately validated collection of abbreviations, acronyms, contractions and symbols within astronomy, related …
Andre Heck & Fionn Murtagh: Intelligent Information Retrieval: The Case of Astronomy and Related Space Sciences
Intelligent information Retrieval comprehensively surveys scientific information retrieval, which is characterized by growing convergence of information expressed in varying complementary forms of …
Andre HECK: Organizations and Strategies in Astronomy
Anyone who doubts that astronomy is enjoying a golden age has only to browse the pages of Organizations and Strategies in Astronomy, Vol. 5. Our golden age is defined not only by the enormity of new …
Andre HECK: Introduction to Maple
The first two editions of this book have been very well received by the com- munity, but so many revisions ofthe Maple system have occurred since then that simply reprinting the out-of-stock book …
Andre HECK: Introduction to Maple
The first edition of this book has been very well received by the community. The new version 4 of Maple V contains so many new mathematical features and improvements in the user interface that …
Andre HECK: Introduction to Maple
In symbolic computation on computers, also known as computer algebra, keyboard and display replace the traditional pencil and paper in doing mathematical computations. Interactive computer programs, …
Andre HECK & Jean M. Perdang: Applying Fractals in Astronomy
‘Fractal geometry addressesitselfto questions that many people have been asking themselves. It con- cerns an aspect of Nature that almost everybody had been conscious of, but could not address in a …
Andre Heck: Electronic Publishing for Physics and Astronomy
The ship has left the Miraflores Locks, let loose from the ‘mules’ run by the crews of the Panama Canal Commission. She has picked up speed while passing under the Bridge of the Americas which links …
Andre Heck & Fionn Murtagh: Multivariate Data Analysis
Interest in statistical methodology is increasing so rapidly in the astronomical community that accessible introductory material in this area is long overdue. This book fills the gap by providing a …
Andre Heck: Organizations and Strategies in Astronomy
I am most grateful to Andr’ e Heck for his invitation to write a foreword to OSA Volume 4 – I will use this valued opportunity to emphasise those topics in Vol. 4 which I consider important even if …
Andre Heck: Organizations and Strategies in Astronomy
We have arrived at the third volume of this useful series on Organiza- tions and Strategies in Astronomy (OSA). It contains seventeen articles on a wide range of topics, from virtual observatories, …
Andre Heck: Organizations and Strategies in Astronomy
Seated in a sun-lit corner of his 17th century Dutch house, his hand touching a celestial globe, Johannes Vermeer’s "Astronomer" seems to pon- der about the mysteries of the universe. We …
Andre Heck: Organizations and Strategies in Astronomy
Research and publications in the field of Astronomy have undergone dramatic changes in the last half-century. While activities just slowed down during World War II in the US and in Latin America, …
Andre Heck: Information Handling in Astronomy
The pilot boat just moved away and’its lights are already fading towards the coast of Northeastern Queensland over which Saturn is going to set. There is still quite some time to go before dawn. The …
StarBriefs 2001
This compilation probably looks like one of the craziest things a human being could spend his or her time on. Yet nobody would wonder at someone taking a short walk every day – after twenty five …
F. Caputo & Andre Heck: Post-Hipparcos Cosmic Candles
In May 1976, when one of us was temporarily associated with Stras- bourg Observatory for lecturing on distance determination methods (Heck 1978), Pierre Lacroute – then in his last year as Director …
Andre Heck & C. Madsen: Astronomy Communication
Astronomyhasalwaysbeenoneoftheeasiestofthesciencestoconveyto the public. That is partly because it produces spectacular pictures that can be explained (at least in part) and admired, partly because …