Explores how Rich’s work has influenced feminist scholarship on motherhood.
In the years since the publication of Adrienne Rich’s Of Woman Born, the topic of motherhood has emerged as a central issue in feminist scholarship. Arguably still the best feminist book on mothering and motherhood, Of Woman Born is not only a wide-ranging, far-reaching meditation on the meaning and experience of motherhood that draws from the disciplines of anthropology, feminist theory, psychology, and literature, but it also narrates Rich’s personal reflections on her experiences of mothering. Andrea O’Reilly gathers feminist scholars from diverse disciplines such as literature, women’s studies, law, sociology, anthropology, creative writing, and critical theory and examines how Of Woman Born has informed and influenced the way feminist scholarship ‘thinks and talks’ about motherhood. The contributors explore the many ways in which Rich provides the analytical tools to study and report upon the meaning and experience of motherhood.
Tabla de materias
Andrea O’Reilly
PART ONE: Motherhood as Institution: Patriarchal Power and Maternal Outrage
1. The Supreme Court of Canada and What It Means to Be ‘Of Woman Born’
Diana Ginn
2. Of Party-State Born: Motherhood, Reproductive Politics, and the Chinese Nation-State
Sarah E. Stevens
3. Murderous Mothers: Adrienne Rich’s Of Woman Born and Toni Morrison’s Beloved
Emily Jeremiah
PART TWO: Mothering as Experience: Empowerment and Resistance
4. ‘We Have Mama but No Papa’: Motherhood in Women-Centered Societies
Maria-Barbara Watson-Franke
5. Mother as Transformer: Strategic Symbols of Matrilineage Recuperation in Princess Pocahontas and the Blue Spots
Dannabang Kuwabong
6. Of Woman (but Not Man or the Nuclear Family) Born: Motherhood Outside Institutionalized Heterosexuality
Kate Mc Cullough
7. Feminist Mothers: Successfully Negotiating the Tension between Motherhood as ‘Institution’ and ‘Experience’
Fiona Joy Green
8. Immortality and Morality in Contemporary Reworkings of the Demeter/Persephone Myth
Karin Voth Harman
9. Mothering against Motherhood and the Possibility of Empowered Maternity for Mothers and Their Children
Andrea O’Reilly
10. The Broken Shovel: Looking Back from Postmaternity at Co-Parenting
Margaret Morganroth Gullette
PART THREE: Narrating Maternity: Writing as a Mother
11. Adrienne Rich’s ‘Clearing in the Imagination’: Of Woman Born as Literary Criticism
D’Arcy Randall
12. A ‘Sense of Drift’: Adrienne Rich’s Emergence from Mother to Poet
Jeannette E. Riley
13. Beginning with ‘I’: The Legacy of Adrienne Rich’s Of Woman Born
Ann Keniston
List of Contributors
Sobre el autor
Andrea O’Reilly is Associate Professor in the School of Women’s Studies at York University and Director of the Association for Research on Mothering. She is the author and editor of many books on mothering, including From Motherhood to Mothering: The Legacy of Adrienne Rich’s Of Woman Born and Toni Morrison and Motherhood: A Politics of the Heart, both also published by SUNY Press.