Tabla de materias
• Disconnect between ecological crisis and personal well-being. Cannot dismiss the
emotional component for solving the ecological crisis
• Biophili...
Tabla de materias
• Disconnect between ecological crisis and personal well-being. Cannot dismiss the
emotional component for solving the ecological crisis
• Biophilia as bridge between humans and nature
• Changing the world from the inside out…. solutions are already here…
• Confluence of two (R)evolutions: consciousness and ecological…
From three Es plus 1to three 3 Cs plus one (conscious, creative, compassionate, plus 1:
• New perspectives: parts to whole; scarcity to abundance
1. Creating New Stories
• Creating A New Story
• Stories as ways of envisioning the future
• Creation stories: aboriginal songlines; stories of global unity: miners in Chile
• Barbara Marx Hubbard: New Birth 2012
• Changing the perception: Wade Frazier (abundance)
2. From Three Es to Three C’s
• Shift from outer 3 Es (Ecology, Economy, Equity) to inner 3 Cs (Conscious, Creative,
Conscious: aware, mindful, recognize of the power of intention
• a shift from a mental model of scarcity to one of abundance, prosperity and
Examples: Kogi tribe: we are an integral part of Nature not separate from it. Business: Conscious capitalism and mission-based organizations
• Originality of thought and expression
• Create a new level of thinking and interacting to solve the global problems: climate change, loss of biodiversity and population…
• Compassionate: Self compassion and deep sympathy, desire to alleviate the suffering or misfortune of others. Creating a larger context bigger than ourselves. Examples: Compassionate Action Network International: Compassionate Charter and
Compassionate Cities Campaign: Insight Prison Project
• Connected: An association, relationship with others. Connecting with: self, spirit, each other. Conditions for Connections
3. Finding Meaning and Happiness
• Social Ecotones: Our community/cultural: connecting to our fellow beings
Identifying our “tribe”? like-minded people… what connects us?
Examples: Miners rescue in Chile… story of hope and triumph
• Mental models of meaning: efficiency vs. beauty; scarcity vs. abundance
• Bhutan’s Gross National Happiness index, and Happy Planet Index: developing new tools to recalibrate the objective and measure of economic progress. Also, GPI genuine Progress Indicator as a sustainability measure.
• UN Happiness Project
4. Busting the Myths
• Three Levels: (1) personal, (2) institutional and (3) society’s myths.
• Personal belief systems: what can I do? The stories we tell ourselves; positivity ratio of
3:1 (Barbara Fredrickson’s Positivity)
• Institutional: corporate culture; best places to work, character, ambiance, ethic,
mission/vision of organization
• Society’s: It’s “game over, ” humans are doomed; “Affluenza has won the day…” Sustainability is a fad… How to combat these stories; Frances Moore Lappe’s “Thought Traps.”
5. Leading from the Heart
• Comparison of traditional leadership and servant leadership
• Leadership as “living networks” and “communities of practice.”
• Learning leadership strategies from nature (living systems and self-organization) (Capra)
• Role of conservation psychology at bedrock of new leadership style
6. Activism with Soul
• Sacred activism (Andrew Harvey)
• Compassion-in-action in activists
• Facilitation of technology in activism
• Examples: Kickstart (Bhutan movie); Free Money Day; Occupy, Berkana Collaborative; Code for America; Better Block;; Institute for Sacred Activism, World Café, Pachamama Alliance; Twitter: Osseo Nice things
7. Connecting the Dots
• The major challenges and biophilic approach
• Role of technology: Kickstart, Indiegogo, crowd science, “KONY 2012” effect,
• Climate change and human behavior
• Holistic Education. Examples: Schumacher College, CIIS, The Small School
• Emotional and Ecological Intelligence (Goldman: Ecoliterate)
• Contests and Prizes. Examples; Lemelson-MIT Program
8. Envisioning a Compelling Future
• Future Scenarios: Herman Daly, David Holmgren, Tellus Inst., Barbara Marx
• Qualities of transition to new paradigm
• Old systems decay, transition activators, and new system builders
• Creating new economic and social systems
• Scenario planning
Sidebar Profiles
The sidebar profiles highlight the perspectives of well-known and lesser known leaders in the sustainability field. The sidebars will include brief responses to questions such as: What gives you hope? What is humanity’s greatest asset? What are global problems that are most urgent and why? Are you optimistic about our capacity to solve complex global problems? Why? People profiled include:
Sidebar Profiles
Joanna Macy
Janine Benyus
Brother David Steindl-Rast
Jurriaan Kamp Sister Gervaise David Suzuki Fritjof Capra Annie Leonard Brian Dunbar Kenny Ausubel Jane Goodall
Elizabeth Thompson
Mark Samolis
The resources section will include relevant organizations and online publications, newsletters, list servers and blogs.
Annotated Bibliography
Annotated bibliography of relevant books.
References to cited sources.