American English(es) focuses on the manifold nature of a macro-regional variety of English which is better described in the plural form, thus enhancing the endless contribution of most diverse ethnic groups, such as those kidnapped from Africa to be employed as slaves, survivors of native American tribes systematically exterminated in the past, and, later on, European Jews escaping from pogroms, Europeans and Asians escaping from poverty, and, more recently, Central and South Amer...
American English(es) focuses on the manifold nature of a macro-regional variety of English which is better described in the plural form, thus enhancing the endless contribution of most diverse ethnic groups, such as those kidnapped from Africa to be employed as slaves, survivors of native American tribes systematically exterminated in the past, and, later on, European Jews escaping from pogroms, Europeans and Asians escaping from poverty, and, more recently, Central and South Americans, mostly Spanish speakers, emigrating to the USA in search of supposedly better living conditions.By tackling the notions of "minority", "variety", and "dialect", this book singles out three language-related phenomena which are currently relevant to the academic and cultural debate concerning US society, namely the obsolescent representation of minority vs hegemonic varieties of English, the latest developments of the Spanish vs English controversy, and the increasing exposure of slang in public contexts.The multiple points of view on American Englishes, offered by the essays included in the present volume, draw on diverse and often contrasting approaches, ranging from corpus linguistics to cultural studies, from lexicography/lexicology to discourse analysis.