Bcover: Horror novel is about a psychic researcher and an anthropologist who find the quintessential’ haunted house.’ The Haunting of Berkely Manor, is about a psychic researcher and an anthropologist who have searched all over the world for the perfect’ haunted house.’ Dr. Hex Montaque, a psychic researcher, and Dr. Jeff Turner, an anthropologist whose true passion lies in the supernatural, field have joined forces to validate the existence of an actual ‘haunted house. Their search leads them to Berkely Manor, an old home in rural Georgia that was built in 1806. After interviewing several former students as well as researching the personal effects and papers that were left behind by the family that built the house, Dr. Jeff and Dr. Hex are elated to realize that they have found the real thing. Berkely Manor is the quintessential haunted house and is in the perfect location for the study that the doctors hope to conduct. But, as the supernatural begins to take over, they wonder if they will survive to present their conclusion.
Sobre el autor
I was born in Durham North Carolina, I started writing short stories at the age of nine , later on I took a writing course and read my first horror book at the age of sixteen, I have three wonderful children, My, firt book fear of the beast was publishe in 2006, in 2009 the final stand between good and evil .