Europe’s social model – its system of welfare and social
protection – is regarded by many as the jewel in the crown.
It is what helps to give the European societies their distinctive
qualities of social cohesion and care for the vulnerable. Over
recent years, however, the social model has come under great strain
in many states within the European Union – unemployment, for
example, remains stubbornly high. The resulting tensions have
fuelled dissatisfaction with the European project as a whole,
culminating in the rejection of Europe’s proposed new
Reform of the social model is therefore a matter of urgency. It
has to go hand in hand with the quest to regenerate economic
growth. The weaker performers in Europe over the past few years can
learn a good deal from states that have coped more effectively. But
more radical changes need to be contemplated in the face of the
impact of globalization, rapidly increasing cultural diversity and
changing demography. The author argues that the traditional welfare
state needs to be rethought. We have to bring lifestyle change into
the heart of what welfare means. Moreover, environmental issues
must be directly connected to other citizenship obligations. These
innovations have to be made at the same time as Europes competitive
position is upgraded.
This original and path-breaking book will rank alongside
Beyond Left and Right, The Third Way and other works
by Anthony Giddens that have helped reshape social and political
thinking over recent decades.
Tabla de materias
Preface vii
Glossary of Terms xi
1 The Social Model 1
2 Change and Innovation in Europe 30
3 Social Justice and Social Divisions 59
4 From Negative to Positive Welfare 96
5 Lifestyle Change 135
6 At the Level of the EU 164
7 Eight Theses on the Future of Europe 199
Appendix: Open Letter on the Future of Europe 231
Index 235
Sobre el autor
Anthony Giddens Anthony Giddens is Former Director of the London School of Economics and Fellow of King’s College, Cambridge.