Autor: Ashutosh K. Giri

Ashutosh K Giri received his Ph.D. from the Department of Electrical Engineering, Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology, Surat, India, in 2020. In May 2011, he joined the Department of Electrical Engineering, Government Engineering College, Bharuch, as an assistant professor. He has authored and co-authored more than 30 research papers in reputed journals such as IEEE TRANSACTIONS, IET Journal, Wiley, Tailor Francis, Springer. He has also co-authored one book which is published in Springer Publication, Singapore. He has received the sponsored research grant of Rs. 25 Lacs from the director of technical education, Gujarat state, under STEM Scheme. He is working as a principal investigator in this project. He has coordinated 5 STTP including recently concluded ATAL FDP. He has delivered national- and international-level expert talk at various reputed universities across India. He had received Research Opportunity Week (ROW) scholarship and visited Technical University of Munich, Germany, in March–April 2019. He has also served as a technical program committee member in conferences organized at Scientific Federation of Dallas, USA, and Kenitra, Morocco. He has also chaired as technical session in IEEE sponsored international conference at IIITDM Kancheepuram, Chennai. He had organized special session in world most reputed IEEEECCE2020 Conference at Detroit, Michigan, USA, and in ECCE-ASIA 2021 at Singapore. He is also serving as a potential reviewer in various reputed journals such as IEEE TRANSACTIONS OF POWER ELECTRONICS, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS, IET, Wiley. He was nominated the best researcher of the year 2019 at electrical department, SVNIT, Surat, in 2019. He is also serving as an honorary ad visor (Technical Services) in GMDT Marine and Industrial Engineering Pvt. Ltd, Ahmedabad, India. He is also serving as an honorary advisor (Technical Services) in CUBATICS INDUSTRIES Pvt. Ltd, Surat. India. He is a life memberof Indian Society of Technical Education. Recently, he was included in Advisory Board as a member in Society of Power Engineers, Vadodara Chapter. Sabha Raj Arya (M’1 2, SM’15) received Bachelor of Engineering degree in Electrical Engineering from Government Engineering College, Jabalpur, in 2002; Master of Technology in Power Electronics from Motilal National Institute of Technology, Allahabad, in 2004; and Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Delhi, New Delhi, India, in 2014. He is joined as an assistant professor of the Department of Electrical Engineering, Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology, Surat. January 2019, he is promoted as an associate professor in same institute. His fields of interest include power electronics, power quality, design of power filters, and distributed power generation. He received Two National Awards, namely INAE Young Engineer Award from Indian National Academy of Engineering, and POSOCO Power System Award from Power Grid Corporation of India in the year of 2014 for his research work. He is also received Amit Garg Memorial Research Award-2014 from IIT Delhi from the high impact publication in a quality journal during the session 2013–2014. At present, he has published more than hundred research papers in international Journals and conferences in the field of electrical power quality. He also serves as an associate editor for the IET Renewable Power Generation. Josep M. Guerrero (S’0 1-M’04- SM’0 8-FM’1 5) received the B.S. degree in telecommunications engineering, the M.S. degree in electronics engineering, and the Ph.D. degree in power electronics from the Technical University of Catalonia, Barcelona, in 1997, 2000, and 2003, respectively. Since 2011, he has been a full professor with the Department of Energy Technology, Aalborg University, Denmark, where he is responsible for the Microgrid Research Program. From 2014, he is a chair professor in Shandong University; from 2015, he is a distinguished guest professor in Hunan University; and from 2016, he is a visiting professor fellow at Aston University, UK, and a guest professor at the Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications. From 2019, he became a Villum investigator by the Villum Fonden, which supports the Center for Research on Microgrids (CROM) at Aalborg University, being, the founder and director of the same center ( His research interests are oriented to different microgrid aspects, including power electronics, distributed energy storage systems, hierarchical and cooperative control, energy management systems, smart metering, and the Internet of things for AC/DC microgrid clusters and islanded minigrids. Specially focused on microgrid technologies applied to offshore wind, maritime microgrids for electrical ships, vessels, ferries and seaports, and space microgrids applied to nanosatellites and spacecrafts. Prof. Guerrero is an associate editor for a number of IEEE TRANSACTIONS. He has published more than 600 journal papers in the fields of microgrids and renewable energy systems, which are cited more than 50, 000 times. He received the best paper award of the IEEE Transact ions on Energy Conversion for the period 2014–2015 and the best paper prize of IEEE-PES in 2015. As well, he received the best paper award of the Journal of Power Electronics in 2016. During seven consecutive years, from 2014 to 2020, he was awarded by Clarivate Analytics (a former Thomson Reuters) as Highly Cited Researcher with 50 highly cited papers. In 2015, he was elevated as an IEEE fellow for his contributions on “distributed power systems and microgrids.” Shailendra Kumar (Senior Member, IEEE) was born in Mahoba, UP, India, in 1988. He received the B.Tech. degree in electrical and electronics engineering from Uttar Pradesh Technical University, Lucknow, India, in 2010, and the M.Tech. degree in power electronicsand electrical machine and drives from the Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi, India, in 2015. He received the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, New Delhi, India, in May 2019. He is currently working as an assistant professor with the Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology, Bhopal. His research interests include power quality, grid integration, custom power devices, microgrid, and renewable energy. Dr. Kumar is a recipient of prestigious POSOCO Power System Award (in master»s as well as in doctoral categories) in 2016 and 2019. He is also a recipient of Prof. Som Nath Mahendra Student Travel Award for the IEEE PEDES 2018 Conference and the IEEE UPCON Best Paper Award in 2016 and 2018, respectively.

5 Ebooks de Ashutosh K. Giri

Sabha Raj Arya & Ashutosh K. Giri: Distributed Energy Systems
This book provides the insight of various topology and control algorithms used for power control in distributed energy power conversion systems such as solar, wind, and other power sources. It covers …
Sabha Raj Arya & Ashutosh K. Giri: Distributed Energy Systems
This book provides the insight of various topology and control algorithms used for power control in distributed energy power conversion systems such as solar, wind, and other power sources. It covers …
Ashutosh K. Giri & Sabha Raj Arya: Power Quality: Infrastructures and Control
This book presents novel idea and concepts developed by the researchers/academia and practicing engineers working in the domain of the power sector infrastructures where power electronics infrastruct …
Ahmed Al-Durra & Sabha Raj Arya: Custom Power Devices for Efficient Distributed Energy Systems
Custom Power Devices for Efficient Distributed Energy Systems presents a range of novel ideas and concepts based on renewable energy-fed power generation and control, offering avenues to efficient ut …
Ashutosh K. Giri & Madhusudan Singh: Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructures and its Challenges
The book presents basic terminologies of charging infrastructures such as types, levels, and suitable power converters applications. Various energy storage technologies, such as lithium-ion batteries …