This book presents select proceedings of the National conference on Geo-Science and Geo-Structures (GSGS 2020). It provides sustainable solutions to various challenges encountered in the field of geotechnical engineering. The topics presented include advanced characterization to study the behavior of geomaterials, shallow and deep foundations including tunneling, use of geosynthetics and other soil reinforcing materials in minimizing slope failures and landslides, dynamics of soils and foundations, and its connection with energy geotechnics, transportation geotechnics, and offshore geotechnics. The book further highlights various aspects of ground improvement techniques by incorporating the use of industrial by-products, forensic analyses of geo-structures, instrumentation and sensing techniques in geotechnical engineering and issues associated with geo-environmental engineering. The book will be a valuable reference for budding researchers, academicians, practitioners and policymakers interested in sustainable practices associated with geotechnical engineering and related domains.
Tabla de materias
Estimation of Landfill Settlement using Different Models.- Prediction of Liquefaction using Reliability Based Regression Analysis.- Modeling of Consolidation Considering Coupled Soil-Fluid Interaction.- Comparative Assessment of Kurukshetra City Waste Dumping Sites using RIAM Analysis: A Case Study.- Effect of Soil Structure Interaction on Seismic Response of Buildings.- Improvement in the Properties of Red Soil using Granulated Blast Furnace Slag.- Numerical Modeling of Soil Nailed Slope using Drucker-Prager Model.- Winkler’s Based Parametric Analysis of Unplugged Short Pipe Pile.- Improvement of Strength Behaviour of Fly Ash and Cement Stabilized Soil with Glass Fiber Reinforcement.- Stability Prediction of a Two-Layered Soil Slope.- A Study on Geotechnical Characteristics of Black Cotton Soil Treated with Red Mud and GGBS.- Finite Element Analysis of Buried Pipe in Soil Slope.- Studies on the Piled Raft Foundation for a High Rise Building using Finite Element Modeling.- Seismic Response of Soil Like Material in MSW Landfill using Equivalent Linear Approach.- Numerical Analysis on Load Carrying Mechanism of Single Pile Due to Twin Stacked Tunnelling.- Negative Skin Friction on Piles: State of the Art.
Sobre el autor
Dr. Awdhesh Kumar Choudhary is presently working as an Assistant professor at the Department of Civil Engineering, National Institute of Technology Jamshedpur, Jharkhand. He obtained his B.E. (Civil) from North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon; M.Tech. from Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati and Ph.D. from Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur. After completing his Ph.D., Dr. Choudhary also worked as a Post-doctoral fellow at Indian Institute of Science Bangalore. His major areas of research interests include the anchor foundation system, ground improvement, reinforced soil structures, and the stability of the buried structures. He has published 9 papers in reputed international journals as well as 9 conference papers in the proceedings. Dr. Choudhary is also reviewer of several reputed journals such as Geotextile and Geomembrane, Geosynthetics International, Soils and Foundation, and European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering.
Dr. Somenath Mondal is presently working as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Civil Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Jamshedpur. He received his B.Tech degree in Civil Engineering from West Bengal University of Technology in 2011. Then he joined Bengal Engineering and Science University Shibpur (presently known as IIEST Shibpur) for pursuing Master of Engineering in Geotechnical Engineering and he graduated in 2013 from there. In 2014, he joined IIT Bombay to pursue doctoral study in the department of Civil Engineering with the specialization in Environmental Geotechnology and in 2017, he graduated with Ph.D. degree from IIT Bombay. During his Ph.D. tenure he got a couple of research grants from European Commission to conduct his research in Paristech France (Oct-Nov, 2015; Oct-Jan, 2016-17). Dr Mondal’s prime research interests are thermal characterization of geomaterials, utilization of industrial by-products, energy geotechnics, heat induced moisture migration, thermo-hydro-mechanical behaviour of clay. He has published 6 articles in well reputed international journals.
Dr. Subhadeep Metya is presently an Assistant Professor in the Geotechnical Engineering Division, Department of Civil Engineering, National Institute of Technology (NIT) Jamshedpur, India. He obtained his B.Tech. from the West Bengal University of Technology, followed by M.Tech. and Ph.D. from Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology (IIEST), Shibpur. During the tenure of his doctoral research at IIEST, Shibpur, Dr. Metya has been a recipient of the prestigious INSPIRE Fellowship of the Department of Science and Technology (DST), Government of India, from whom he has also received the prestigious Newton-Bhabha Ph D Placement Grant 2015-16 by virtue of which he has completed six months’ research internship at the Zienkiewicz Centre for Computational Engineering (ZCCE) at the Swansea University, UK. His awards and honours include the University Gold Medal in both B.Tech. and M.Tech., the IGS-Shri R.N. Prasad Biennial Prize (2015) and the IGS-HEICO Young Geotechnical Engineer Award (2018) by the Indian Geotechnical Society. He has so far published eight journal papers in peer-reviewed journals, as well as twelve conference papers. Besides, he has gained a rare and invaluable experience and exposure on landslide related topics while attending the well-known international school on landslides “LARAM 2014” held in University of Salerno, Italy. His current research interests include slope stability and landslides, geotechnical earthquake engineering, reinforced soil structures, rock mechanics, foundation engineering, computational geotechnics and risk and reliability applications in civil engineering.
Prof. G L Sivakumar Babu is a Professor, Geotechnical Engineering Division, Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Science Bangalore, India. He served as the President, Indian Geotechnical Society for four years during 2017-2020 and as Governor, ASCE Board of Governors, Region 10 during 2014 to 2020. He is an awardee of John Booker Medal, International Association for Computer Methods and Advances in Geomechanics (IACMAG), USA, for the year 2017. His areas of research include risk and reliability applications in geotechnical engineering, geosynthetics and reinforced soil structures, environmental geotechnology, fibers in geotechnical engineering, earthquake geotechnical engineering and geotechnics for disaster mitigation. A total of over 150 papers in journals and 100 in conferences have been published. He is the editorial board member and reviewer of several reputed journals such as American Society for Civil Engineers (ASCE), Canadian Geotechnical Journal, Geotechnique, Computers and Geotechnics, Georisk, Engineering Structures and national journals such as Indian Geotechnical Journal, Sadhana etc. He has also served as Chairman/Co-chairman/expert for technicalsessions in various international/national conferences in India and abroad.