Autor: Azman Ismail

Azman Ismail is a senior lecturer at Malaysian Institute of Marine Engineering Technology, Universiti Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. He received his Ph D in Mechanical Engineering from Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, and Master of Engineering in Mechanical-Marine Technology from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. Prior to that, he was awarded a Bachelor of Engineering (Hons) in Electrical, Electronics and System from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia and Graduate Diploma in Industrial Education and Training from the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Australia. He grooms his technical skill at Victoria University of Technology, Australia for Advanced Diploma in Construction and Repair Technology (Marine Vessels). He is also active in research and development for welding and joining technologies especially for friction stir welding on tubular sections and flat panels. This also includes green technologies for sustainable marine and coastal development. He is currently leading a research cluster of Advanced Maritime Industries Sustainability at his university. He has published his research findings in indexed journals and book chapters and actively competes at international and national level innovation competitions. In addition to his achievements, he has been a reviewer and editor for some international journals including Springer. Besides that, he is also active in conservation works as committee member for the National Eco-Campus Program with the World Wide Fund for Nature of Malaysia (WWF-Malaysia). Wardiah Mohd Dahalan had received her Ph D in Power System from the University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia in 2013 and bachelor’s degree (Hons) in Electrical & Electronics Engineering from University of Dundee, Scotland, UK in 1996. She is currently appointed as a Senior Lecturer at the Department of Marine Electrical and Electronics Engineering of University Kuala Lumpur (Uni KL-MIMET). As the head of Research & Innovation department since 2015, she actively administers all research activities in Uni KL-MIMET. Supervising of internal and external research grants and organization of all activities related to innovation such as exhibitions, competition and conferences are her core activities at Uni KL-MIMET. She actively participates in research as a principle or co–principle in many research grants. At the same time, she also shares her expertise by becoming either the author or co-author of the publications of local as well as international journals, books and proceedings especially in the area of power system and energy. Her deep research interest includes network reconfiguration, Optimization Techniques and renewable energy. She is also a member of IEEE, Rina-IMARest, Malaysian Society for Engineering & Technology (My SET) and Malaysia Board of Technologist (MBOT). Andreas Öchsner is a Full Professor for lightweight design and structural simulation at the Esslingen University of Applied Sciences, Germany. Having obtained a Dipl.-Ing. degree in Aeronautical Engineering at the University of Stuttgart (1997), Germany, he served as a research and teaching assistant at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg from 1997 to 2003 while working to complete his Doctor of Engineering Sciences (Dr.-Ing.) degree. From 2003 to 2006, he was an Assistant Professor at the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Head of the Cellular Metals Group affiliated with the University of Aveiro, Portugal. He spent seven years (2007–2013) as a Full Professor at the Department of Applied Mechanics, Technical University of Malaysia, where he was also Head of the Advanced Materials and Structure Lab. From 2014-2017 he was a Full Professor at the School of Engineering, Griffith University, Australia and Leader of the Mechanical Engineering Program (Head of Discipline and Program Director). 

20 Ebooks de Azman Ismail

Azman Ismail & Muhamad Husaini Abu Bakar: Advanced Engineering for Processes and Technologies
This book presents various state-of-the-art applications for the development of new materials and technologies, discussing computer-based engineering tools that are widely used in simulations, evalua …
Azman Ismail & Wardiah Mohd Dahalan: Advanced Engineering for Processes and Technologies II
This book “Advanced Engineering for Processes and Technologies II” provides a good platform for participating researchers and academicians to share their latest innovation, technology and research fi …
Azman Ismail & Wardiah Mohd Dahalan: Advanced Maritime Technologies and Applications
This book presents the outcomes from the 2nd International Conference on Marine and Advanced Technologies 2021 (Icmat2021) which was organized by the Research and Innovation section, University Kuala …
Azman Ismail & Wardiah Mohd Dahalan: Design in Maritime Engineering
This book covers several research outcomes of various fields and schools related to maritime operation, applications and materials science. Thirty-four research papers have been compiled from the 2nd …
Azman Ismail & Wardiah Mohd Dahalan: Advanced Materials and Engineering Technologies
This book reports on various real-world and global engineering problems while touching on evolving design strategies. The chapters were selected from the 2nd International Conference on Marine and Ad …
Azman Ismail & Mohd Amran Mohd Daril: Advanced Transdisciplinary Engineering and Technology
This book reports research findings and outcome from various discipline of engineering and technology, focusing on industrial technology operation and sustainable development. The content is the resu …
Azman Ismail & Fatin Nur Zulkipli: Advancements in Materials Science and Technology Led by Women
This book is a noteworthy series of works authored by women from diverse research areas and expertise. This book contains research papers from fundamental, experimental, and empirical studies in the …
Azman Ismail & Fatin Nur Zulkipli: Materials Innovations and Solutions in Science and Technology
This book offers innovative ideas and solutions from tropical fruits and crops for engineering problems. It covers a wide range of topics related to science, engineering, and technologies. The topics …
Azman Ismail & Fatin Nur Zulkipli: Advances in Technology Transfer Through IoT and IT Solutions
This book describes common applied problems that are solved with the use of digital technology. The digital technology has simplified most of our daily activities. Technology has been improving our q …
Azman Ismail & Fatin Nur Zulkipli: Industrial Revolution in Knowledge Management and Technology
This book addresses various aspects of knowledge management and technological advances that are driving the ongoing industrial revolution. This revolution is being driven by the rapid development of …
Azman Ismail & Fatin Nur Zulkipli: Materials and Technologies for Future Advancement
This book is a platform to publish new progress in the field of materials and technologies that can offer significant developments with the possibility of changing the future. These emerging developm …
Azman Ismail & Fatin Nur Zulkipli: Applied Problems Solved by Information Technology and Software
This book explores a dynamic landscape where cutting-edge technologies are revolutionizing various domains. This captivating book delves into the advancements in security, communication, and environm …
Azman Ismail & Fatin Nur Zulkipli: Innovative Technologies for Enhancing Experiences and Engagement
The book showcases how the technologies are transforming entertainment, education, and professional training, offering readers real-world examples of their applications. ‘Innovative Technologies for …
Azman Ismail & Fatin Nur Zulkipli: Analyzing Education, Sustainability, and Innovation
This book describes a diverse array of studies unravelling the intricate interplay of education, sustainability, and organizational dynamics. From innovative teaching methodologies to sustainability …
Azman Ismail & Fatin Nur Zulkipli: Engineering Frontiers
This book describes a diverse collection of engineering research and innovations across 35 chapters. Each chapter unveils a facet of modern engineering excellence. This book not only presents cutting …
Azman Ismail & Fatin Nur Zulkipli: Tech Horizons
This book assembles a varied array of chapters, each delving into a distinct aspect of innovation and its practical applications. Readers will explore cutting-edge technologies and applicable techniq …
Azman Ismail & Fatin Nur Zulkipli: Exploring Diversity in Engineering and Technology for Knowledge and Innovation
​This book offers research result which covers a wide range of topics, including sediment transportation in rivers, efficient adsorption processes, renewable energy, structural resilience, and enviro …
Hasanudin & Raden Sjarief Widjaja: Marine Technology
This book explores a variety of research topics in marine technology delving into a wide array of crucial research topics within the maritime industry and its technology, encapsulating the latest res …
Azman Ismail & Fatin Nur Zulkipli: Technological Frontiers and Sustainable Innovations
This book takes a deep dive into the industrial sphere, exploring subjects such as aerospace development, knowledge management in higher education, and the emergence of a nation as a player in the gl …
Saurabh Sambhav & Deepak Kumar Singh: Empowering Solutions for Sustainable Future in Science and Technology
This book, embarks the reader on a journey into the forefront of innovation where science, engineering, and technology converge to address the pressing challenges of our time. Through a captivating e …