Autor: Bernard E. Powers

Bernard E. Powers, Jr., professor emeritus of history at the College of Charleston, was the founding director of the Center for the Study of Slavery in Charleston. He is the author of Black Charlestonians: A Social History 1822–1885 and coauthor of We Are Charleston: Tragedy and Triumph at Mother Emanuel. Powers is a founding board member and interim chief executive officer of the International African American Museum in Charleston.

2 Ebooks de Bernard E. Powers

Bernard E. Powers: 101 African Americans Who Shaped South Carolina
The first people of African descent to live in what is now South Carolina, enslaved people living in the sixteenth century Spanish settlements of San Miguel de Gualdape and Santa Elena, arrived even …
Bernard E. Powers: Black Charlestonians
This revisionist work delineates the major social and economic contours of the large black population in the pivotal Southern city of Charleston, South Carolina., historic seaport center for the slav …