Includes CD-Rom
This book and CD-Rom is an activity and worksheet packed resource for anyone wanting a unified programme to assist emotional development in those aged 4 to 19 years old. Implementing emotional literacy within the whole school curriculum is made simple for the facilitator and fun for the participants.
In one volume, Talking Is for All provides updated new editions of Betty Rudd′s three bestselling books: Talking is for Kids, Talking is for Us and Talking is for Teens.
This book will be useful for all those working with young people either in classroom, small group or individual settings. It contains:
– practical activities and resources
– illustrations, stories, and cartoons
– assessment and record keeping advice.
There are three age appropriate sections which include a description of the stages of emotional development and all the activities suited to that stage. It brings together theory and research findings on emotional health and puts them into a flexible programme which enables positive action for emotional wellness and resiliency.
Betty Rudd is a Chartered Counseling Psychologist and Specialist Teacher.
She is the author of seven books and twenty-one games, most of them focusing on emotional literacy.
Tabla de materias
Introduction and structural overview
Emotional literacy overview
How to use the resources
Materials and resources
Part One Talking is for Kids – Emotional literacy for four to seven year olds
Record keeping
Stories and activities
Plans for using the worksheets
Part 2 Talking is for Us – Emotional literacy for eight to twelve year olds
Record keeping
Stories and activities
Plans for using the worksheets
Part 3 Talking is for Teens – Emotional literacy for thirteen to nineteen year olds
Record keeping
Stories and activities
Plans for using the worksheets
List of useful resources
Sobre el autor
Betty Rudd is the author of seven books and twenty-one games, most of them focusing on emotional literacy. With SAGE Betty has previously published Talking is for Kids, Talking is for Us and Talking is for Teens.