Beverley Holden Johns is the author or co-author of seventeen non-fiction books, including the seminal college textbook in the field of learning disabilities. This is her first fiction book. Johns worked within the public schools for over thirty three years with students with learning disabilities, significant behavioral disorders, and autism, and is now a Professional Fellow at MacMurray College in Jacksonville, Illinois. She is the 2000 recipient of the CEC Outstanding Leadership Award from the International Council for Exceptional Children (CEC), Past International President of the Council for Children with Behavioral Disorders (CCBD), Past President of the CEC Pioneers, Past Secretary and Governmental Relations Chair for the Division for Learning Disabilities (DLD), and the 2007 Recipient of the Romaine P. Mackie Leadership Service Award. Johns is listed in Who»s Who in America, Who»s Who of American Women, and Who»s Who Among America»s Teachers.
1 Ebooks de Beverly Holden Johns
Beverley Holden Johns: 401 Practical Adaptations for Every Classroom
Award-winning educator Beverley Holden Johns offers a valuable collection of modifications and accommodations for students with special needs. Busy teachers can put these proven strategies to use imm …