Bruce Partridge was born in Salt Lake City, Utah, and raised in New Mexico. He was hooked on plants when required to make a plant collection for a botany class at Utah State University in 1965, and his goose was cooked after a boring summer job spent reading old issues of Organic Farming and Gardening instead of working.
Arriving in Antigonish, Nova Scotia in 1973, he soon had a homestead of his own, a diploma in horticulture, and the perfect job working for Pleasant Valley Nurseries, where he worked for 39 years.
He is the father of four grown children. He lives in St. Andrews N.S., gardens, and shares his time with his wife, Mary, and his antique «72 Volkswagen Beetle.
1 Ebooks de Bruce Partridge
Bruce Partridge: Borderline Hardy in 5b
Bruce Partridge, who was there almost from the start, tells the unlikely story of the creation and success of Pleasant Valley Nurseries. PVN was an Antigonish, NS treasure for almost forty years, and …