Pro-poor tourism – tourism that is intended to result in increased net benefits for poor people – is currently receiving enormous attention from the World Tourism Organization, the UN system, governments, industry, and NGOs and is an integral component of many sustainable development strategies in the less developed countries. Through a series of cases and reviews from experts in the field this book provides one of the first assessments of the effectiveness of pro-poor tourism as a development strategy and tackles the issue of who benefits from tourism’s potential role in poverty reduction. This timely book therefore makes a major contribution to the ongoing debate about tourism’s role in economic development, postcolonial politics, and North-South relations at a time when international trade negotiations appear poised to further open up developing countries to international tourism.
Tabla de materias
1. Editorial – Pro-Poor Tourism: Do ‘Tourism Exchanges Benefit Primarily the Countries of the South’? – C. Michael Hall
2. Tourism and Poverty Alleviation: An Integrative Research Framework – Weibing Zhao & J. R. Brent Ritchie
3. Tourism as a Tool for Poverty Alleviation: A Critical Analysis of ‘Pro-Poor Tourism’ and Implications for Sustainability – Stephanie Chok, Jim Macbeth & Carol Warren
4. Growth Versus Equity: The Continuum of Pro-Poor Tourism and Neoliberal Governance – Daniela Schilcher
5. Lao Tourism and Poverty Alleviation: Community-Based Tourism and the Private Sector – David Harrison & Steven Schipani
6. Exploring the Tourism-Poverty Nexus – Regina Scheyvens
7. Nature-Based Tourism and Poverty Alleviation: Impacts of Private Sector and Parastatal Enterprises In and Around Kruger National Park, South Africa – Anna Spenceley & Harold Goodwin
Sobre el autor
C. Michael Hall is a professor at the University of Canterbury, New Zealand. His recent book publications include Contemporary Tourism (with C. Cooper, 5th edn, Goodfellow, 2022) and Sense of Place and Place Attachment in Tourism (with N.C. Chen & G. Prayag, Routledge, 2023).