★★A Book Fest & International Book Awards winner for historical & inspirational fiction★★
From a vibrant youth in Costa Rica to a courageous journey as a woman, this touching historical fiction celebrates enduring strength and the timelessness of family love.
Against all odds, Bertelina’s journey from the lush early 20th century landscapes of Costa Rica to the foreignness of mid-century American society unfolds a vivid tale of resilience, sacrifice, and the indomitable spirit of family love. Through battles fought-first as a trailblazing military saboteur in the civil war of 1948, fighting for social justice and women’s rights, and later escaping from the harrowing silence of domestic abuse-she remained steadfast in her pursuit of a sanctuary in which her family would prosper. In her later years, and as dementia began to shroud her memories, her daughter lovingly pieces together a poignant memoir, hoping to immortalize her mother’s extraordinary victories and relentless courage, to never be forgotten.
‘Bertha is a classic survivor. She may not find that perfect love, but she is unstoppable.’ —Kirkus Review
‘This expansive and elegiac novel focuses on the life of a woman who searches for true love… An enjoyable family tale with a tough and memorable hero.’ —Kirkus Review
‘An adventurous and inspiring story of a courageous woman who struggles against social injustice… A striking historical novel of women and the Costa Rican revolution.’ —Book Life Reviews
‘Set in Costa Rica and The United States, this poignant literary tale will leave readers thoroughly satisfied.’ —The Prairie Book Review
‘ Alvarado deftly intermingles Bertelina and Bertha’s stories while touching on complex topics of love, longing, marriage, individual angst, physical and psychological abuse, grief, redemption, human connection, and the power of love. A compelling, raw read.’ —Book View Review
‘A tender and poignant portrait of an adventuresome Costa Rican emigrant and her battle with dementia, in which the tales of her life’s daring, love, and family are repeated to her as testament to her enduring matriarchal lionization.’ —Books That Make You
An adventurous and inspiring story of a courageous woman who struggles against social injustice: as a saboteur during the Costa Rican revolution, and later, as wife to an abusive husband. To protect her children, she immigrates to the US.
Reader Reviews:
‘What an adventure! This woman has guts! I was very gripped by her determination to be a part of the change in her world. She is at once brave, bull-headed, and extremely feminine’… by Kristie L.
‘To see someone you love and… go through something that turns them into a shell of a human is really heartbreaking. You wrote these moments really skillfully’…by Monika M.
‘… at first seems like a simple tale about a young Costa Rican girl… But as you work through the chapters, enraptured by the authentic and believable dialogue… , you begin to understand how personal, wonderful and adventurous this story really is.’… by Dustin B.
‘… this breath-taking, sweeping novel, written with intelligence and love, with real, three-dimensional characters and a gripping, believable storyline.’… by Kevin G.Sobre el autor
Never to Forget is Carlos Alvarado’s third book. Living in South Florida with his life-partner, he is happily retired from Emergency Medicine and working on his fourth book: a revisionist accounting of the Old Testament.