This volume focuses on the experience of growing old as it is linked to societal factors. Ryff and Marshall construct this ‘macro’ view of aging in society by bridging disciplines and brining together contributors from all the social sciences.
The book is organized into three sections: theoretical perspectives, socioeconomic structures, and contexts of self and society. Leading psychologists, anthropologists, gerontologists, and sociologists present theoretical and empirical advances that forge links between the individual and the social aspects of aging. It is must reading for researchers in all gerontologic specialties, and a valuable text for graduate courses in human development, psychology of aging, and other social aspects of aging.
Tabla de materias
Part 1: Theoretical Perspectives on Self and Society Linkages
Linking the Self and Society in Social Gerontology: Crossing New Territory via Old Questions, Carol D. Ryff, Victor W. Marshall, and Philippa J. Clarke Social Perspectives on the Self in Later Life, Linda K. George Neoteny, Naturalization, and Other Constituents of Human Development, Dale Dannefer Continuity, Theory, Self, and Social Structure, Robert C. Atchley Identity and Adaptation to the Aging Process, Susan Krauss Whitbourne Self-Development in Adulthood and Aging: The Role of Critical Life Events, Manfred Diehl Part 2: Socioeconomic Structures and the Self
Practical Consciousness, Social Class, and Self-Concept: A View from Sociology, Jon Hendricks Educational Attainment and Self-Making in Later Life, Melissa M. Franks, A. Regula Herzog, Diane Holmberg, and Hazel R. Markus Forging Macro-Micro Linkages in the Study of Psychological Well-Being, Carol D. Ryff, William J. Magee, Kristen C. Kling, and Edgar H. Wing Income and Subjective Well-Being Over the Life Cycle, Richard A. Easterlin and Christine M. Schaeffer Part 3: Contexts of Self and Society: Work and Family
Structure and Agency in the Retirement Process: A Case Study of Montreal Garment Workers, Julia A. Mc Mullin and Victor W. Marshall Gender and Distress in Later Life: The Importance of Lifelong Employment and Familial Experiences, Lorraine Davies The Caregiving Context: The Intersection of Social and Individual Influences in the Experience of Family Caregiving, Marsha Mailick Seltzer and Jan S. Greenberg Linking Social Structure and Self-Concept: Variations in Sense of Mastery, Marilyn Mc Kean Skaff Intersections of Society, Family, and Self Among Hispanics in Middle and Later Life, Sonia Miner and Julian Montoro-Rodriguez The Social Psychology of Values: Effects of Individual Development, Social Change, and Family Transmission Over the Life Span, Robert E.L. Roberts and Vern L. Bengtson Index’