Biografías románticas SoporteCatalogFicciónLiteratura narrativaAntes de 1945Desde 1945Novelas históricas, narrativasCuentos de hadas, leyendas, leyendasAntologíasBiografías románticasCartas, diariosEnsayos, características, crítica literariaAforismos73.921 Ebooks en esta categoría David Davies: In at the Deep End As he was carried off on a stretcher at the 2008 Olympics in Beijing, Welsh swimmer David Davies was celebrating his success. His exhausting performance in the first ever 10 km open water race earned … EPUB Adobe DRM €1.26 Anne Burleigh: John Adams man for the ages. John Adams, philosopher of the Revolution and early America, and participant in many of the major events of that period, strove to fi nd universal patterns in the lives of all men. … EPUB Adobe DRM €56.31 Julian Vosper-Smith: A Cad and Seducer One Julian Vosper-Smith is a cad and a seducer, a wit and a raconteur. Every man wants to be him and every girl wants to shag him, and now you too can share in his success. Follow his amusing stories and … EPUB Adobe DRM €1.27 Daniel Gray: Black Boots and Football Pinks A collection of lyrical sweet-nothings whispered to old-fashioned wingers, ramshackle dugouts, multiple cup replays and 47 other wonders that made us love football. Goalkeepers in trousers, proper di … EPUB Adobe DRM €9.01 Naomi K. Lewis: Tiny Lights for Travellers Governor General’s Award Finalist: A “wry, moving” memoir of a woman retracing her grandfather’s escape from Amsterdam during the Holocaust (Alison Pick, Booker-nominated author of Between Gods). Why … EPUB Adobe DRM €24.35 Cheluchi Onyemelukwe: EDUCATION AS SAVIOUR EB To define Nigeria is to tell a half-truth. Many have tried, but most have concluded that it is impossible to capture the true scope and significance of Africa’s most populous nation through words or … EPUB Adobe DRM €2.54 Dr Joseph Darlington: The Experimentalists The Experimentalists is a collective biography, capturing the life and times of the British experimental writers of the swinging 1960s. A decade of research, including as-yet unopened archives and in … EPUB Adobe DRM €26.69 Sir Theodore Martin: Horace "Horace" by Sir Theodore Martin is a comprehensive biography that delves into the life and works of the renowned Roman poet, Horace. In this meticulously researched work, Martin provides re … EPUB Adobe DRM €1.03 Louisa Catherine Adams: Traveled First Lady Louisa Catherine Adams was daughter-in-law and wife of presidents, assisted diplomat J. Q. Adams at three European capitals, and served as a D.C. hostess for three decades. Yet she is barely remember … EPUB Adobe DRM €95.44 Dorothy B. Wexler: Reared in a Greenhouse Beloved as the family storyteller, Dorothy Winthrop Bradford left behind at her death in 1987 diaries, letters, scrapbooks and memorabilia that date back to the Civil War and provide a picture of a w … EPUB Adobe DRM €51.24 siguiente página >>> 0 0 Caja 0,00 × × × Cambiar idioma de usuario × ÁrabeAlemánInglésEspañolFrancésHindúIndonesioItalianoMalayoHolandésPolacoPortuguésRumanoRusoSuecoTailandésTurcoUcranioVietnamitaChinoInternational Modal ×