Tensión SoporteCatalogFicciónLiteratura narrativaTensiónCiencia ficción / FantasíaAntologíasPoesía / DramaEdiciones bilingüesCómic / Humor / SátiraLibros de regalo, álbumes, calendariosCrimen, Suspenso, EspionajeNovelas históricas del crimenHorror168.104 Ebooks en esta categoría Fritz Reuter: In The Year ’13 A Tale Of Mecklenburg Life "In the Year ’13: A Tale of Mecklenburg Life" by Fritz Reuter is a historical fiction novel set in the region of Mecklenburg, Germany, during the early 19th century, specifically around the … EPUB Adobe DRM €1.03 W.H.G Kingston: Three Midshipmen "The Three Midshipmen" by W.H.G. Kingston is a thrilling adventure novel set in the world of the British Navy. The story follows the lives of three young midshipmen who embark on a series o … EPUB Adobe DRM €1.03 T. C Harbaugh: Island Trapper Or, The Young White-Buffalo Hunters The Island Trapper Or, The Young White-Buffalo Hunters by T. C. Harbaugh is an adventurous novel set in the 19th-century American frontier. The story follows a group of young hunters as they embark o … EPUB Adobe DRM €1.03 Bret Harte: Frontier Stories Frontier Stories by Bret Harte is a collection of short stories set against the rugged backdrop of the American West during the 19th century, particularly during the California Gold Rush. Harte’s tal … EPUB Adobe DRM €1.03 Bret Harte: Sappho of Green Springs The Sappho of Green Springs by Bret Harte is a captivating piece of 19th-century Western literature that explores the social dynamics and romance within a small-town setting. The novel centers on a f … EPUB Adobe DRM €1.03 Arthur Thomas Quiller-Couch: Foe-Farrell "Foe-Farrell" is an ancient adventure story created through Arthur Thomas Quiller Couch. The tale takes region in the 17th century, all through the English Civil War. Quiller Couch’s vibran … EPUB Adobe DRM €1.03 Arthur Chapman: Rustlers Beware! "Rustlers Beware" by Arthur Chapman is a riveting Western adventure set in the rugged landscapes of the frontier. The novel centers around the conflict between cowboys and rustlers, focusin … EPUB Adobe DRM €1.03 James Fenimore Cooper: Red Rover A Tale "The Red Rover", A Tale by James Fenimore Cooper is an exhilarating maritime adventure set against the backdrop of colonial America. The story follows a daring and charismatic pirate, known … EPUB Adobe DRM €1.03 Percy F Westerman: Lively Bit Of The Front A Tale Of The New Zealand Rifles On The Western Front "A Lively Bit on the Front" by Percy Westerman is an adventurous and dramatic novel set against the backdrop of wartime action. The novel centers around the experiences of soldiers engaged … EPUB Adobe DRM €1.03 Virginia Woolf: Voyage Out "The Voyage Out" by Virginia Woolf is a modernist novel that delves into the psychological depth of its characters, particularly focusing on themes of feminism and coming of age. The story … EPUB Adobe DRM €1.03 siguiente página >>> 0 0 Caja 0,00 × × × Cambiar idioma de usuario × ÁrabeAlemánInglésEspañolFrancésHindúIndonesioItalianoMalayoHolandésPolacoPortuguésRumanoRusoSuecoTailandésTurcoUcranioVietnamitaChinoInternational Modal ×