Deportes acuáticos, vela SoporteCatalogGuíaDeporteGeneralMotorismo, motociclismo, ciclismo, aviaciónDeportes acuáticos, velaDeportes de inviernoDeportes de pelotaAtletismo, GimnasiaArtes marciales, defensa personalOtros deportes566 Ebooks en esta categoría Tim Davison & Steve Kibble: Sailing for Kids Sailing for Kids is aimed at children aged 8-15 who are taking their first steps into the fantastic world of sailing. Packed full of colour photographs and diagrams, this straightforward and easy-to- … EPUB Inglés €10.55 Nick Craig: Helming to Win This book will help you make the transition from weekend racer to world champion. Covering everything from where to look and getting ‘in the groove’ to mental approaches and championship sailing, you … EPUB Inglés €14.39 Jon Emmett: Coach Yourself to Win This book will help you to succeed on the water whether your aim is Club, National, International (or even Olympic) level. With detailed analysis, challenging exercises and useful top tips throughout … EPUB Inglés €14.39 Tim Davison: The Sailor’s Bluffing Bible For a modest man, Tim Davison has done quite well for himself in the sailing world. He has won National and European championships from the 1970s to 2020s, has skippered his yacht from the Baltic to … EPUB Inglés €10.13 Tim Davison & Jon Emmett: ILCA Book The single manufacturer one-design (SMOD) Laser, launched just over 50 years ago, has now been renamed the ILCA and moved to multiple licensed builders. To reflect this change, the leading book on La … EPUB Inglés €16.31 Chris Atkins: Team Racing Companion Team racing is great for fast, fun and different sailboat racing. It helps develop some key skills for future racing success. This handy companion tells you everything a sailor and coach need to know … EPUB Inglés €5.99 Peter Hart: Windsurfing Combine the thrill, freedom and exhilaration of surfing, skiing and sailing, and you have an understanding of the attraction of windsurfing. This book is the ultimate guide to windsurfing; packed ful … EPUB Inglés €18.49 Ian Pinnell & Tim Davison: Tuning to Win For most sailors, boat tuning may seem a mystery understood only by sailmakers and the like. In this book, sailor, chandler and championship winner, Ian Pinnell, unravels this daunting subject and wi … EPUB Inglés €14.39 Nigel Sharp: The First and the Fastest This is the story of two single-handed non-stop round-the-world voyages: Robin Knox-Johnston’s in 1968/69 and Ellen Mac Arthur’s in 2004/05. Although there were similarities – both voyages started an … EPUB Inglés €18.49 David Houghton & Fiona Campbell: Wind Strategy The wind powers everything a sailor does and this book will help you to understand it. As a result you will be more prepared for your race, able to anticipate changes in the wind better and know what … EPUB Inglés €16.31 siguiente página >>> 0 0 Caja 0,00 × × × Cambiar idioma de usuario × ÁrabeAlemánInglésEspañolFrancésHindúIndonesioItalianoMalayoHolandésPolacoPortuguésRumanoRusoSuecoTailandésTurcoUcranioVietnamitaChinoInternational Modal ×