Deportes acuáticos, vela SoporteCatalogGuíaDeporteGeneralMotorismo, motociclismo, ciclismo, aviaciónDeportes acuáticos, velaDeportes de inviernoDeportes de pelotaAtletismo, GimnasiaArtes marciales, defensa personalOtros deportes565 Ebooks en esta categoría Vipul Kumar: Under the Eiffel Tower: The 2024 Olympics Title: Under the Eiffel Tower: The 2024 Olympics Synopsis: A comprehensive guide to the 2024 Paris Olympics. Explore the history, preparations, and excitement surrounding this monumental event. Disco … EPUB Inglés €9.49 Natalia Szydlowski: The myth of winter swimming Central temperature variance is a common phenomenon, including in experienced swimmers, and it is an important medical concern in winter swimming events. Up to this moment only limited studies of the … EPUB Inglés €9.49 Saskia Clark: Crewing to Win The crew of a racing boat is as important as the helmsman – they work as a team to sail as fast as they can. But different members of that team have different roles in the boat. In addition to the ob … EPUB Inglés €16.31 Callum Smedley & Pat Manley: Diesels Afloat Diesel engines are installed in just about every yacht and in most large motorboats and, while professional help is often at hand, sometimes it is not. Indeed, engine failure is one of the most frequ … EPUB Inglés €18.23 Boris Herrmann: Nonstop In ‘Nonstop. Driven by the Sea’, you will learn everything about Boris Herrmann – the exceptional talent in regatta sailing. From the background of his career to his dedication to fighting climate ch … EPUB Inglés €23.99 Bryan Willis: The Rules in Practice 2025-2028 Every four years the Racing Rules of Sailing are updated following the Olympics. To help the sailor, World Sailing labels important changes with marginal markings. For the new rules coming into force … EPUB Inglés €17.27 Nicola Rodriguez: Sail Away You long to escape the daily grind, buy a boat and sail away. This book will inspire your dreams and show you how to turn them into a reality – be it an extended cruise or years away. Written by a ya … EPUB Inglés €18.23 Karsten Reimer: Basics – Theory for Scuba Divers This book is ideal for anyone wanting to start scuba diving. It contains the complete theoretical knowledge for the necessary training to gain the Open Water Diver or the Diver 1 star within the CMAS … EPUB Inglés €7.49 Andy Rice: The Asymmetric Dinghy Book Asymmetric dinghies burst into the sailing scene in the 1990s and have transformed the sport. They led to the introduction of new types of courses and a new sailing style. While the basic principles … EPUB Inglés €16.31 Dave Cockerill & John Caig: Topper Book The Topper is a brilliant boat – over 50, 000 have been sold and thousands of people learn the basic sailing skills in Toppers every year. This is the only book which shows you how to rig, sail and r … EPUB Inglés €16.31 siguiente página >>> 0 0 Caja 0,00 × × × Cambiar idioma de usuario × ÁrabeAlemánInglésEspañolFrancésHindúIndonesioItalianoMalayoHolandésPolacoPortuguésRumanoRusoSuecoTailandésTurcoUcranioVietnamitaChinoInternational Modal ×