Vehículos ferroviarios SoporteCatalogGuíaVehículosGeneral, diccionarios, manualesCoche, motocicleta, ciclomotorBicicletaVehículos comercialesVehículos ferroviariosBarcosAeronave, espacioVehículos militares, aviones militares, barcos militaresModelado171 Ebooks en esta categoría John A. McGregor: The West Highland Railway The West Highland Railway, which opened to Fort William in 1894 and to Mallaig in 1901, follows a scenic route by Loch Lomond, Breadalbane and Lochaber to the west coast of Scotland and is one of the … EPUB Inglés €36.00 Rosa Matheson: Terror in the Tunnels The exciting early days of the railways were tempered with danger, as the Victorian concept of health and safety was rather different to ours. Going ‘into the dark’ was a frightening experience and t … EPUB Inglés €8.49 Richard Deiss: Palace of a thousand winds and the Gooseberry station This is the English language edition of the pocketbook `Palast der tausend Winde´, which has short stories, anecdotes, and interesting facts about 222 railway stations in Germany. For all rail enthus … EPUB Inglés €5.99 Christian Wolmar: Cathedrals of Steam 'Fascinating' 'Books of the Year', Financial Times 'London's twelve great rail termini are the epic survivors of the Victorian age… Wolmar brings them to life with the … EPUB Inglés €11.49 Rosa Matheson: The GWR Story The Great Western Railway – quickly coming to be known as ‘God’s Wonderful Railway’ – was once regarded as the most advanced in the world. Engineered by Isambard Kingdom Brunel it was initially desig … EPUB Inglés €3.49 Fiona Rule: London’s Labyrinth Do you know what’s under your feet? The London Underground was the very first underground railway – but it wasn’t the first time Londoners had ventured below ground, nor would it be the last. People … EPUB Inglés €8.49 Gordon D. Webster: The West Highland Lines The railway lines of the West Highlands of Scotland are famous the world over for their illustrious history and unparalleled scenic beauty. Linking Glasgow with Oban, Fort William and Mallaig, the li … EPUB Inglés €13.99 David Wragg: The LNER Handbook Renowned for its express locomotive Mallard setting a world speed record (126mph) for steam locomotives that endures to this day, the London & North Eastern Railway was the second largest of the ‘Big … EPUB Inglés €18.49 David Wragg: Wartime on the Railways Presenting an account of the part played by Britain's railways during the Second World War, this book deals with operational matters and the impact of enemy action on railways. It also looks at … EPUB Inglés €9.99 Stephen Poole: Inside British Rail Stephen Poole joined British Rail in 1973, working for three of its Regions and then for three of its Business Sectors in the run-up to privatisation. He experienced stations, depots, freight, parcel … EPUB Inglés €18.49 siguiente página >>> 0 0 Caja 0,00 × × × Cambiar idioma de usuario × ÁrabeAlemánInglésEspañolFrancésHindúIndonesioItalianoMalayoHolandésPolacoPortuguésRumanoRusoSuecoTailandésTurcoUcranioVietnamitaChinoInternational Modal ×