Historia del arte SoporteCatalogCiencia espiritualArte / ArquitecturaGeneral, DiccionariosHistoria del arteBellas ArtesArquitecturaDiseño de interiores, DiseñoTeatro, BalletFotografía, Cine, Video, TVAntigüedadesOtro10.217 Ebooks en esta categoría Stephen K. Scher: Perspectives on the Renaissance Medal The papers published in this book were delivered at two conferences held in conjunction with the exhibition, ‘ The Currency of Fame: Portrait Medals of the Renaissance’ … EPUB Adobe DRM €69.65 Dr Christina Riggs: Unwrapping Ancient Egypt First runner-up for the British-Kuwait Friendship Society Book Prize in Middle Eastern Studies 2015. In ancient Egypt, wrapping sacred objects, including mummified bodies, in layers of cloth was a ri … EPUB Adobe DRM €42.75 Anastasia Bakogianni & Dr Valerie M. Hope: War as Spectacle War as Spectacle examines the display of armed conflict in classical antiquity and its impact in the modern world. The contributors address the following questions: how and why was war conceptualized … EPUB Adobe DRM €40.35 Brian Donnelly: Reading Dante Gabriel Rossetti A revolutionary figure throughout his career, Dante Gabriel Rossetti’s work provides a distinctly revolutionary lens through which the Victorian period can be viewed. Suggesting that Rossetti’s work … EPUB Adobe DRM €51.21 John Heskett: A John Heskett Reader A John Heskett Reader brings together a selection of the celebrated design historian John Heskett»s key works, introduced and edited by Clive Dilnot of Parsons, the New School, USA. Heskett, who pas … EPUB Adobe DRM €40.72 Danae (University of Chichester, UK) Tankard: Clothing in 17th-Century Provincial England Featuring detailed analyses of clothing culture in 17th-century provincial Sussex, this original study draws on previously unexploited sources to create an intimate and nuanced portrait of people and … EPUB Adobe DRM €37.13 George Barnett Johnston: Assembling the Architect Assembling the Architect explores the origins and history of architectural practice. It unravels the competing interests that historically have structured the field and cultivates a deeper understand … EPUB Adobe DRM €32.45 Miguel Angel Herrera Batista: The Ontology of Design Research This book seeks to establish the meaning of design research, its role in the field, and the characteristics that differentiate research in design from research in other fields. The author introduces … EPUB Adobe DRM €48.73 Yvonne Owens: Abject Eroticism in Northern Renaissance Art Hans Baldung Grien, the most famous apprentice and close friend of German artist Albrecht Dürer, was known for his unique and highly eroticised images of witches. In paintings and woodcut prints, he … EPUB Adobe DRM €34.74 Chris Balaschak: The Image of Environmental Harm in American Social Documentary Photography With an emphasis on photographic works that offer new perspectives on the history of American social documentary, this book considers a history of politically engaged photography that may serve as m … EPUB Adobe DRM €51.42 siguiente página >>> 0 0 Caja 0,00 × × × Cambiar idioma de usuario × ÁrabeAlemánInglésEspañolFrancésHindúIndonesioItalianoMalayoHolandésPolacoPortuguésRumanoRusoSuecoTailandésTurcoUcranioVietnamitaChinoInternational Modal ×