General, Diccionarios SoporteCatalogCiencia espiritualArte / ArquitecturaGeneral, DiccionariosHistoria del arteBellas ArtesArquitecturaDiseño de interiores, DiseñoTeatro, BalletFotografía, Cine, Video, TVAntigüedadesOtro23.585 Ebooks en esta categoría ginger (UWE Bristol, UK) coons: The Digital Bespoke? The Digital Bespoke? is about mass customization, 3D printing, human bodies, and the step towards digitally built objects made to individual specifications. The author argues that the modes of custom … EPUB Adobe DRM €51.20 Nancy Bishop: Auditioning for Film and Television ‘This is a terrific guide for young actors…I read it cover to cover and then went out and bought copies for all my kids because, truthfully, it puts an experienced eye on pretty much all of life»s … EPUB Adobe DRM €25.41 Likewise: Ambitious II AMBITIOUS II is a motivating, eye-opening venture to explore the inhibiting areas of fear, anxiety, and doubt. You will relate right away. Written from Likewise’s vantage point and interspersed … EPUB Adobe DRM €9.76 Jean Benedetti: The Moscow Art Theatre Letters Moscow Art Theatre Letters tells the real story of the Moscow Art Theatre, from its origin at the turn of the century through its first forty years. Jean Benedetti presents the historical record firs … EPUB Adobe DRM €64.29 John (Dartmouth College, USA) Kulvicki: Images The nature of representation is a central topic in philosophy. This is the first book to connect problems with understanding representational artifacts, like pictures, diagrams, and inscriptions, to … EPUB Adobe DRM €51.34 Tim Anderson: Popular Music in a Digital Music Economy In the late 1990s, the MP3 became the de facto standard for digital audio files and the networked computer began to claim a significant place in the lives of more and more listeners. The dovetailing … EPUB Adobe DRM €51.57 Michael Bristol & Christopher Holmes: Shakespeare and Modern Theatre The book gathers together a particularly strong line-up of contributors from across the literary-performative divide to examine the relationship between Shakespeare, the »culture industries», moder … EPUB Adobe DRM €23.24 Brady Wilks: Alternative Photographic Processes Alternative Photographic Processes teaches techniques, both analog & digital, allowing artists to bring a personal touch through manipulation of a photograph, the negative, and the print. This book s … EPUB Adobe DRM €51.20 Malin Hedlin Hayden: Video Art Historicized Video art emerged as an art form that from the 1960s and onwards challenged the concept of art – hence, art historical practices. From the perspective of artists, critics, and scholars engaged with t … EPUB Adobe DRM €61.42 Joes Segal: Art and Politics In Art and Politics, Segal explores the collision of politics and art in seven enticing essays. The book explores the position of art and artists under a number of different political regimes of the … EPUB Adobe DRM €14.13 siguiente página >>> 0 0 Caja 0,00 × × × Cambiar idioma de usuario × ÁrabeAlemánInglésEspañolFrancésHindúIndonesioItalianoMalayoHolandésPolacoPortuguésRumanoRusoSuecoTailandésTurcoUcranioVietnamitaChinoInternational Modal ×