Pedagogía SoporteCatalogCiencia espiritualGeneralFilosofía / ReligiónPsicologíaReligión / TeologíaHistoriaIdiomasPedagogíaArte / ArquitecturaMúsicaGeneral, DiccionariosEducaciónEducación infantil y preescolarEducación escolar, didáctica, metodologíaEscuela primariaEscuela secundaria I, IIEducación de adultosEducación social, trabajo socialEducación Especial159.656 Ebooks en esta categoría Clarice M. Moran: Affordances and Constraints of Mobile Phone Use in English Language Arts Classrooms The use of phones in the classroom is a controversial topic that receives a variety of reactions and can have political ramifications. In various school districts across different states, as well as … EPUB Adobe DRM €251.35 Richard Brady: Walking the Teacher»s Path with Mindfulness This unique book offers compelling stories to help you encounter life with mindfulness and find new vigor on your teaching path. Author Richard Brady, founder of the Mindfulness in Education Network, … EPUB Adobe DRM €32.09 Andrew Cowley: The Wellbeing Curriculum Andrew Cowley, author of The Wellbeing Toolkit and co-founder of Healthy Toolkit (@Healthy Toolkit), presents the ultimate guide to help primary schools develop a practical, principled and values-dri … EPUB Adobe DRM €23.09 Laurie E. Westphal: Differentiating Instruction With Menus The best-selling Differentiating Instruction With Menus series has helped teachers nationwide differentiate instruction for their high-ability learners with easy-to-use menus and exciting tools to ch … EPUB Adobe DRM €24.33 Michael Thomas: Design, Implementation, and Evaluation of Virtual Learning Environments EPUB Adobe DRM €223.93 Hwee Ling Lim: Handbook of Research on Recent Developments in Materials Science and Corrosion Engineering Education EPUB Adobe DRM €417.72 Ricardo Mendoza-Gonzalez: User-Centered Design Strategies for Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) EPUB Adobe DRM €223.98 Grisel Maria Garcia-Perez & Constanza Rojas-Primus: Promoting Intercultural Communication Competencies in Higher Education EPUB Adobe DRM €224.09 Prince Hycy, Ph.D. Bull & Jared Keengwe: Handbook of Research on Innovative Digital Practices to Engage Learners EPUB Adobe DRM €353.88 Dr Ian Davies: 100+ Ideas for Teaching Citizenship This book offers more than 100 ideas to inspire your lesson planning, engage students in lessons, carry out effective assessment and many other tips and activities to make life a bit easier for Citiz … EPUB Adobe DRM €14.93 siguiente página >>> 0 0 Caja 0,00 × × × Cambiar idioma de usuario × ÁrabeAlemánInglésEspañolFrancésHindúIndonesioItalianoMalayoHolandésPolacoPortuguésRumanoRusoSuecoTailandésTurcoUcranioVietnamitaChinoInternational Modal ×