Música SoporteCatalogCiencia espiritualGeneralFilosofía / ReligiónPsicologíaReligión / TeologíaHistoriaIdiomasPedagogíaArte / ArquitecturaMúsicaGeneral, DiccionariosHistoria de la músicaTeoría de la música, teoría de la músicaLecciones de instrumentosInstrumentologíaMonografíasMúsicaOtro32.886 Ebooks en esta categoría Walter Clark: Isaac Albeniz Isaac Albéniz is one of the most important figures in the history of Spanish music. A legendary child prodigy, he went on to become one of the leading concert pianists of his generation in Europe. Ho … EPUB Adobe DRM €51.58 Tony Olmsted: Folkways Records In 1949, immigrant recording engineer Moses Asch embarked on a lifelong project: documenting the world of sound produced by mankind, via a small record label called Folkways Records. By the time of h … EPUB Adobe DRM €47.71 Stephen Webber: DJ Skills DJ Skills: The Essential Guide to Mixing & Scratching is the most comprehensive, up to date approach to DJing ever produced. With insights from top club, mobile, and scratch DJs, the book includes ma … EPUB Adobe DRM €38.42 Bruce Johnson: Jazz and Totalitarianism Jazz and Totalitarianism examines jazz in a range of regimes that in significant ways may be described as totalitarian, historically covering the period from the Franco regime in Spain beginning in t … EPUB Adobe DRM €61.49 Ray Furness: Richard Wagner With their complex textures, rich harmonies, and elaborate use of leitmotifs, the operas of German composer Richard Wagner (1813–83) remain some of the most influential—and contentious—in the h … EPUB Adobe DRM €14.11 Eugene Casjen Cramer: Toms Luis de Victoria With over 1, 700 entries, this book is the most comprehensive listing to date of writings about Tomas Luis de Victoria and his music as well as recordings and modern editions of his works. Among the … EPUB Adobe DRM €51.20 John O’Flynn: The Irishness of Irish Music This book brings together important material from a range of sources and highlights how government organizations, musicians, academics and commercial companies are concerned with, and seek to use, a … EPUB Adobe DRM €69.33 Caroline Potter: French Music Since Berlioz French Music Since Berlioz explores key developments in French classical music during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. This volume draws on the expertise of a range of French music scholars wh … EPUB Adobe DRM €69.31 Alfred Mathis-Rosenzweig: Gustav Mahler Alfred Mathis-Rosenzweig (1897-1948) was a Viennese musicologist and critic who studied at the universities of Budapest and Vienna. From 1933 he embarked on producing a large-scale study of Mahler bu … EPUB Adobe DRM €64.29 Dale Carter: Reading Smile First conceived in 1966 but only completed in 2004, Brian Wilson Presents Smile has been called ‘the best-known unreleased album in pop music history’ and ‘an American Sergeant Pepper.’ Reading Smile … EPUB Adobe DRM €48.94 siguiente página >>> 0 0 Caja 0,00 × × × Cambiar idioma de usuario × ÁrabeAlemánInglésEspañolFrancésHindúIndonesioItalianoMalayoHolandésPolacoPortuguésRumanoRusoSuecoTailandésTurcoUcranioVietnamitaChinoInternational Modal ×