Sociedad SoporteCatalogNo ficciónPolítica / EconomíaBiografías, autobiografíasPolíticaSociedadEconomía – GeneralAdministración de empresasEconomíaDinero, banco, bolsa de valoresBienes raícesOtro11.107 Ebooks en esta categoría Charmaine Saunders: Silence No More ‘Silence No More’ It Stops With Me, is a gripping and unflinching memoir of faith, survival, justice, and resilience. In the aftermath of a violent, brutal assault, Dr. Saunders-a courageous immigran … EPUB Inglés Adobe DRM €13.99 Nancy Comwell: Hellbent The chilling wail of sirens, the screams of the injured, the acrid scent of gunpowder mingling with the sweet aroma of Bourbon Street’s festive atmosphere – these are just some of the visceral memori … EPUB Inglés Adobe DRM €10.99 Eric Coste: Buried in the Quiet In the small, seemingly peaceful town of Marlowe, silence reigns. But it’s not the calming kind – this quiet is heavy, thick, and full of secrets. No one talks about it, but Claire Caldwell can’t ign … EPUB Inglés Adobe DRM €11.99 Emily Zondlak: The Basics of the Faith Believers in Jesus Christ have a continuous battle in regards to the faith. There are nine faith principles that are fundamental to all believers in Jesus Christ. Sound doctrine means that teachings … EPUB Inglés Adobe DRM €9.49 Louca-Mai Brady: Embedding Young People’s Participation in Health Services There is increasing interest in young people’s participation in the design and delivery of health services. But young people’s views are not consistently sought or acknowledged, and they are still of … EPUB Inglés Adobe DRM €43.99 Jeffery S King: One of the Most Troublesome Robbery Gangs This book is about two Depression-era gangsters in the Mid-west, George Mc Keever and Francis Mc Neiley, who comiited three murders, several bank and store robberies, and stole many cars. They had ma … EPUB Inglés Adobe DRM €5.49 Kelly Darke & Shannon Scott-Miller: Art Therapy with Transgender and Gender-Expansive Children and Teenagers An educational and inspirational book that offers practical guidance for art therapists working with transgender and gender-expansive youth and their families. It provides art therapy goals, recommen … EPUB Inglés Adobe DRM €33.99 Kate Holden: The Winter Road True crime writing at its finest, from the multi-award-winning, bestselling author of In My Skin Winner of the 2021 Walkley Book Award, 2022 NSW Premiers Literary Awards: Douglas Stewart Prize for No … EPUB Inglés Adobe DRM €17.99 Nalanda Roy: NAVIGATING UNCERTAINTY IN THE SOUTH CHINA SEA DISPUTES This collaborative and edited volume explores the geopolitical and geostrategic significance of the South China Sea disputes. Experts from interdisciplinary fields and knowledge analyze the South Chi … EPUB Inglés Adobe DRM €54.99 S.Y. Vidal: Who Needs Santa? & Other Lessons in Surviving Toxic Parents Who Needs Santa? & Other Lessons in Surviving Toxic Parents Are you struggling to overcome the emotional scars left by toxic parents? Do you find yourself haunted by a childhood filled with manipulat … EPUB Inglés Adobe DRM €12.99 siguiente página >>> 0 0 Caja 0,00 × × × Cambiar idioma de usuario × ÁrabeAlemánInglésEspañolFrancésHindúIndonesioItalianoMalayoHolandésPolacoPortuguésRumanoRusoSuecoTailandésTurcoUcranioVietnamitaChinoInternational Modal ×