Educación de adultos SoporteCatalogEscuela / AprendizajeLibros de textoPreparación de la lecciónLibros de texto vocacionalesAyudas para el aprendizajeLecturaEducación de adultosAlemán como lengua extranjeraOtroLenguaje de materiales del cursoLenguaje de materiales de autoaprendizajeMateriales del curso en generalMateriales de autoaprendizaje en general3.385 Ebooks en esta categoría Marta & Pierce, Mary Paluch: Fadumo Goes Shopping Developed for adults who are learning English as a second language, these short stories, set in the East End of London, offer an insight into life in the UK and are a useful tool for building vocabul … EPUB Adobe DRM €7.98 Bloomsbury Publishing: Dictionary of Publishing and Printing This fully revised edition includes over 8, 000 words, expressions and terminology relating to the publishing and printing industries and allied trades. Topics covered are papermaking, ink, printing … EPUB Adobe DRM €10.68 Prem P Bhalla: Business English Effective communication is the key factor that ensures success in all business and professional activities. It is a complex subject that requires knowledge of not only the language used, but also of … EPUB Adobe DRM €10.35 Kerry L Purmensky: Service-Learning for Diverse Communities Service-Learning for Diverse Communities: Critical Pedagogy and Mentoring English Learners (2nd Edition) provides a foundation for understanding service-learning (SL) practices for those working with … EPUB Adobe DRM €105.16 Iris Nunn: Trip to the Vet King Street is an integrated, structured phonics reading scheme for adult and teenage learners which can be used by trained teachers as well as volunteer and support staff. This carefully graded read … EPUB Adobe DRM €6.43 Hazel & Shoa, Myrna Riley: Echo Echo really loves him. She follows him everywhere. But what will she do if he doesn’t love her? The From the Heart Series is inspired by Ancient Greek myths. These stories have withstood the test of … EPUB Adobe DRM €7.97 Jennie Cole: Nosy Neighbour Walt is someone we all know. He’s our friend, brother, cousin, father, grandfather or neighbour. He could live on any street, in any village, town or city. Walt is a familiar character who we all rec … EPUB Adobe DRM €11.17 Iris Nunn: Sam and Jim King Street is an integrated, structured phonics reading scheme for adult and teenage learners which can be used by trained teachers as well as volunteer and support staff. This carefully graded read … EPUB Adobe DRM €6.42 Marta & Pierce, Mary Paluch: Rima’s Day Developed for adults who are learning English as a second language, these short stories, set in the East End of London, offer an insight into life in the UK and are a useful tool for building vocabul … EPUB Adobe DRM €8.01 Iris Nunn: Planning Meeting King Street is an integrated, structured phonics reading scheme for adult and teenage learners which can be used by trained teachers as well as volunteer and support staff. This carefully graded read … EPUB Adobe DRM €6.40 siguiente página >>> 0 0 Caja 0,00 × × × Cambiar idioma de usuario × ÁrabeAlemánInglésEspañolFrancésHindúIndonesioItalianoMalayoHolandésPolacoPortuguésRumanoRusoSuecoTailandésTurcoUcranioVietnamitaChinoInternational Modal ×