Biología SoporteCatalogCienciaGeneralMatemáticasInformáticaFísica / AstronomíaQuímicaCiencias de la TierraBiologíaTécnicaMedicinaGeneral, DiccionariosMicrobiologíaBotánicaZoologíaBioquímica, biofísicaEcologíaGenética, ingeniería genéticaAgricultura, Horticultura, PescaOtro47.263 Ebooks en esta categoría Andrea Berardi: Savannas and Dry Forests Parched landscapes, biodiversity loss, encroaching deserts and deforestation are some of the environmental crises taking place in tropical savannas and dry forests throughout the world. To date, much … EPUB Adobe DRM €64.31 Ravi V. Durvasula & D. V. Subba Rao: Extremophiles Highly recommended by CHOICE, Oct 2018 Extremophiles are nature’s ultimate survivors, thriving in environments ranging from the frozen Antarctic to abyssal hot hydrothermal vents. Their lifeforms spa … EPUB Adobe DRM €64.32 Susanne Lucas: Bamboo We may think of bamboo only as a snack for cuddly panda bears, but we use the plant as food, clothing, paper, fabric, and shelter. Drawing on a vast array of sources, this book builds a complet … EPUB Adobe DRM €20.49 Paul Copper: Brachiopods This collection of conference papers presents information on the molecular genetics, biomineralization, growth and ecology of extant brachiopod stocks (extrapolated back to the Cambrian), and the she … EPUB Adobe DRM €79.69 Harold Greeney: Antpittas and Gnateaters This authoritative handbook, part of the Helm Identification Guide series, looks in detail at the beautiful antpittas. Elusive study organisms for ornithologists and highly prized additions to the bi … EPUB Adobe DRM €57.78 G. Davies & E. Ghabbour: Humic Substances Humic substances are ubiquitous in the environment. These remarkable brown biomaterials are found in animals, plants, coals, sediments, soils and water. They are crucial components of the carbon cycl … EPUB Adobe DRM €159.52 R N Bhargava & Keith Olson: Ecology and Environment The alarming rise in greenhouse gas and pollution level which has resulted in serious environmental and ecological harm is the biggest concern today. It has not only made the lives of mankind miserab … EPUB Adobe DRM €58.89 Florence E. Sergile & Charles A. Woods: Biogeography of the West Indies As a review of the status of biogeography in the West Indies in the 1980s, the first edition of Biogeography of the West Indies: Past, Present, and Future provided a synthesis of our current knowledg … EPUB Adobe DRM €75.72 Hemin R. Chin & Steven O. Moldin: Methods in Genomic Neuroscience The past few years have witnessed extraordinary advances in molecular genetic techniques and the accumulation of structural genomics information and resources in both human and model organisms. With … EPUB Adobe DRM €75.88 Stephen M Beckstrom-Sternberg: Handbook of Medicinal Mints * Lists aromatic plants alphabetically by scientific name for quick reference* Presents relative quantities of each biologically active compound and states how the compound is used* Includes informat … EPUB Adobe DRM €306.27 siguiente página >>> 0 0 Caja 0,00 × × × Cambiar idioma de usuario × ÁrabeAlemánInglésEspañolFrancésHindúIndonesioItalianoMalayoHolandésPolacoPortuguésRumanoRusoSuecoTailandésTurcoUcranioVietnamitaChinoInternational Modal ×