Química SoporteCatalogCienciaGeneralMatemáticasInformáticaFísica / AstronomíaQuímicaCiencias de la TierraBiologíaTécnicaMedicinaGeneral, DiccionariosQuímica teóricaQuímica inorgánicaQuímica orgánicaQuímica físicaOtro28.085 Ebooks en esta categoría Zerong Wang: Amino Acids: Insights and Roles in Heterocyclic Chemistry This first-of-its-kind four-volume book series provides up-to-date information on α-amino acids, detailing the potential challenges in working with α-amino acids, the protecting groups for the carbox … EPUB Adobe DRM €220.86 Deniz Uner: Advances in Refining Catalysis To meet changing market demands that have stringent emission standards and to ensure proper performance in refinery units, evaluation of novel catalyst designs and results from material characterizat … EPUB Adobe DRM €75.93 L.P. Bayvel: Liquid Atomization Covering the basics of liquid atomization, this book familiarizes readers with the physical processes of liquid atomization, the main types of atomizers and their design, measurements of spray charac … EPUB Adobe DRM €483.61 Angelo Albini: Heterocyclic N-oxides This book provides a comprehensive presentation of all aspects of heterocyclic N-oxides. Topics discussed include the preparation of these compounds by N-oxidation of heterocycles and simultaneous sy … EPUB Adobe DRM €448.88 Anca Filimon: Smart Materials: Integrated Design, Engineering Approaches, and Potential Applications Polymer-based smart materials have become attractive in recent years due to the fact that polymers are flexible and provide many advantages compared to inorganic smart materials: they are low cost, t … EPUB Adobe DRM €159.23 Raja (Indian Institute of Science Education & Research, Kolkata, India) Shunmugam: Functional Polymers This new book covers the synthetic as well application aspects of functional polymers. It highlights modern trends in the field and showcases the recent characterization techniques that are being emp … EPUB Adobe DRM €147.22 William Jones: Organic Molecular Solids Interest in organic molecular solids extends to a range of fields including chemistry, physics, electrical engineering, and materials science. In chemistry, it applies to such topics as solid state r … EPUB Adobe DRM €384.39 H.N. Stein: The Preparation of Dispersions in Liquids This work details the preparation of dispersions in liquids. It sets out to bridge the gap in information for the chemist who is not applications oriented and the chemical engineer who needs to solve … EPUB Adobe DRM €320.98 Tom Visser: Infrared Spectra of Pesticides This quick-reference guide contains over 400 Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectra of commonly used pesticides and related metabolites. Systematically arranged for easy referral, the book: suppli … EPUB Adobe DRM €37.23 Natan B. Vargaftik: Handbook of Thermal Conductivity of Liquids and Gases Handbook of Thermal Conductivity of Liquids and Gases covers practically all of the data available on the thermalconductivity of pure liquids and gases. Thermal conductivity data included in the book … EPUB Adobe DRM €512.14 siguiente página >>> 0 0 Caja 0,00 × × × Cambiar idioma de usuario × ÁrabeAlemánInglésEspañolFrancésHindúIndonesioItalianoMalayoHolandésPolacoPortuguésRumanoRusoSuecoTailandésTurcoUcranioVietnamitaChinoInternational Modal ×