Química física SoporteCatalogCienciaQuímicaGeneral, DiccionariosQuímica teóricaQuímica inorgánicaQuímica orgánicaQuímica físicaOtro1.402 Ebooks en esta categoría Evgeny Katz: Signal-Switchable Electrochemical Systems Bietet einen Überblick über verschiedene elektrochemisch schaltbare Systeme und modifizierte Elektroden. Entwickelte Elektrodenschnittstellen zusammen mit unterschiedlichen, auf Signale ansprechende … EPUB Inglés Adobe DRM €133.99 Hongqi Sun: Solar-to-Chemical Conversion This comprehensive book systematically covers the fundamentals in solar energy conversion to chemicals, either fuels or chemical products. It includes natural photosynthesis with emphasis on artifici … EPUB Inglés Adobe DRM €151.99 Jennifer Strunk: Heterogeneous Photocatalysis An excellent overview about modern heterogeneous photocatalysis is given in this reference: Accompanied by chemical and physical fundamentals, it presents the latest research in energy conversion and … EPUB Inglés Adobe DRM €144.99 Marko M. Melander & Tomi T. Laurila: Atomic-Scale Modelling of Electrochemical Systems Atomic-Scale Modelling of Electrochemical Systems A comprehensive overview of atomistic computational electrochemistry, discussing methods, implementation, and state-of-the-art applications in the fi … EPUB Inglés Adobe DRM €148.99 Joy T. Kunjappu & Milton J. Rosen: Surfactants and Interfacial Phenomena Now in its fourth edition, Surfactants and Interfacial Phenomena explains why and how surfactants operate in interfacial processes (such as foaming, wetting, emulsion formation and detergency), and s … EPUB Inglés Adobe DRM €134.99 Gernot Frenking & Sason Shaik: The Chemical Bond This is the perfect complement to ‘Chemical Bonding – Across the Periodic Table’ by the same editors, who are two of the top scientists working on this topic, each with extensive experience and impor … EPUB Inglés Adobe DRM €147.99 Srabanti Ghosh: Visible-Light-Active Photocatalysis A comprehensive and timely overview of this important and hot topic, with special emphasis placed on environmental applications and the potential for solar light harvesting. Following introductory ch … EPUB Inglés Adobe DRM €178.99 Michel Soustelle: Chemical Equilibria The book offers advanced students, in 7 volumes, successively characterization tools phases, the study of all types of phase, liquid, gas and solid, pure or multi-component, process engineering, chem … EPUB Inglés Adobe DRM €139.99 Stuart A. Rice & Aaron R. Dinner: Advances in Chemical Physics, Volume 161 The Advances in Chemical Physics series provides the chemical physics field with a forum for critical, authoritative evaluations of advances in every area of the discipline. * This is the only series … EPUB Inglés Adobe DRM €259.99 Vineet K. Rai: Upconverting Nanoparticles Photon upconversion technology using nanoparticles is explained from first principles right up to novel and future applications in imaging, sensing, catalysis, energy technology, biomedicine, and man … EPUB Inglés Adobe DRM €151.99 siguiente página >>> 0 0 Caja 0,00 × × × Cambiar idioma de usuario × ÁrabeAlemánInglésEspañolFrancésHindúIndonesioItalianoMalayoHolandésPolacoPortuguésRumanoRusoSuecoTailandésTurcoUcranioVietnamitaChinoInternational Modal ×