Hardware SoporteCatalogCienciaInformáticaGeneral, DiccionariosInformáticaLenguajes de programaciónSistemas operativos, interfaces de usuarioSoftware de aplicaciónComunicación de datos, redesInternetHardwareOtro3.690 Ebooks en esta categoría Natarajan Meghanathan: Advanced Methods for Complex Network Analysis EPUB Adobe DRM €276.64 Agus Kurniawan: Internet of Things Projects with ESP32 Create and program Internet of Things projects using the Espressif ESP32. Key Features Getting to know the all new powerful EPS32 boards and build interesting Internet of Things projects EPUB Adobe DRM €25.69 Pankaj Sabharwal: Multi-Cloud Automation with Ansible Across the modern IT landscape, managing infrastructure across diverse cloud platforms has become a formidable task. Ansible, a robust open-source automation tool, emerges as the ultimate weapon in y … EPUB Adobe DRM €25.37 Jeffrey S. (Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Tennessee, USA) Vetter: Contemporary High Performance Computing HPC is used to solve a number of complex questions in computational and data-intensive sciences. These questions include the simulation and modeling of physical phenomena, such as climate change, ene … EPUB Adobe DRM €76.87 Juned Ahsan & Michael Harrison: MongoDB Fundamentals Learn how to deploy and monitor databases in the cloud, manipulate documents, visualize data, and build applications running on Mongo DB using Node.js Key Features Learn the fundamentals of … EPUB Adobe DRM €33.47 Edgardo Peregrino: Cloud-Powered Robotics with Raspberry Pi Embrace the transformative power of cloud robotics with Cloud-Powered Robotics with Raspberry Pi, your ultimate guide to building and deploying intelligent robotic applications using cutting-edge Dev … EPUB Adobe DRM €25.47 Nick Vandome: Laptops for Seniors in easy steps, 8th edition Laptops are an excellent option for seniors: they can be used anywhere, and with wireless technology, to surf the web and to keep in touch. This 8th edition of Laptops for Seniors in easy steps will … EPUB Adobe DRM €18.43 Nick Vandome: MacBook in easy steps, 7th edition Mac Book in easy steps, now in its seventh edition, illustrates all the clever and powerful features on this iconic device. Covering all Mac Book models, it:Demystifies Mac jargon and Mac Book versio … EPUB Adobe DRM €18.53 Stuart Yarnold: Troubleshooting Your PC in easy steps, 2nd edition Does your computer refuse to do what you want it to? Does it insist on doing something you don’t want it to? Does it refuse to do anything at all? One solution is to ring a helpline. However, this ca … EPUB Adobe DRM €9.23 Mike McGrath: Windows 10 in easy steps – Special Edition, 2nd Edition Windows 10 in easy steps – Special Edition, 2nd Edition is a comprehensive, yet concise guide that will walk you through Windows 10 basics so that you’re up and running in no time. Then, in easy step … EPUB Adobe DRM €26.22 siguiente página >>> 0 0 Caja 0,00 × × × Cambiar idioma de usuario × ÁrabeAlemánInglésEspañolFrancésHindúIndonesioItalianoMalayoHolandésPolacoPortuguésRumanoRusoSuecoTailandésTurcoUcranioVietnamitaChinoInternational Modal ×