Profesiones médicas SoporteCatalogCienciaMedicinaGeneralSujetos no clínicosSujetos clínicosCuidadoProfesiones médicasMedicina holísticaOdontologíaMedicina veterinariaFarmacia17.521 Ebooks en esta categoría Alex I. Katsevich & Alexander G. Ramm: The Radon Transform and Local Tomography Over the past decade, the field of image processing has made tremendous advances. One type of image processing that is currently of particular interest is ‘tomographic imaging, ‘ a technique for comp … EPUB Adobe DRM €76.03 Rick Norris: Think Yourself Happy Stress, anxiety, and depression are more common than ever before. When the 21st-century dream is to have it all – high-powered jobs, happy families, exotic holidays, a beautiful body, and the ideal h … EPUB Adobe DRM €9.38 Information Resources Management Association: Medical Imaging: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications EPUB Adobe DRM €2,753.11 Saurabh (Point Pleasant, New Jersey, USA) Bhatia: Nanotechnology in Drug Delivery This important new book provides the fundamental understanding of the peptide and protein drug delivery systems with a special focus on their nanotechnology applications. Addressing an increasing int … EPUB Adobe DRM €135.34 Peter R. Cheeke: Toxicants of Plant Origin This comprehensive treatise offers an in-depth discussion of natural toxicants in plants, emphasizing their effects as defenses against herbivory. Coevolution of plants and her-bivores are covered wi … EPUB Adobe DRM €63.99 Ronald Comer & Comer Jonathan: Psychopathology: Science and Practice EPUB Adobe DRM €58.98 Merv (Environmental Engineering Consultant, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada) Fingas: The Basics of Oil Spill Cleanup Reflecting the rapid progress in cleanup technology since the previous edition, this revised and expanded third edition of The Basics of Oil Spill Cleanup covers current cleanup techniques, how oil s … EPUB Adobe DRM €193.49 Remco van der Wijngaart: Imagery Rescripting Imagery Rescripting Theory and Practice is a complete practitioner»s guide to helping clients overcome intrusive mental images and traumatic memories through Imagery Rescripting (IR). Imagery rescri … EPUB Adobe DRM €38.58 Shaheen Dewji & Nolan E. (Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Atlanta, Georgia, USA) Hertel: Advanced Radiation Protection Dosimetry Although many radiation protection scientists and engineers use dose coefficients, few know the origin of those dose coefficients. This is the first book in over 40 years to address the topic of radi … EPUB Adobe DRM €61.44 G Sgouros & H. Zaidi: Therapeutic Applications of Monte Carlo Calculations in Nuclear Medicine Therapeutic Applications of Monte Carlo Calculations in Nuclear Medicine examines the applications of Monte Carlo (MC) calculations in therapeutic nuclear medicine, from basic principles to computer … EPUB Adobe DRM €56.47 siguiente página >>> 0 0 Caja 0,00 × × × Cambiar idioma de usuario × ÁrabeAlemánInglésEspañolFrancésHindúIndonesioItalianoMalayoHolandésPolacoPortuguésRumanoRusoSuecoTailandésTurcoUcranioVietnamitaChinoInternational Modal ×