General SoporteCatalogCienciaMedicinaGeneralSujetos no clínicosSujetos clínicosCuidadoProfesiones médicasMedicina holísticaOdontologíaMedicina veterinariaFarmacia33.199 Ebooks en esta categoría Information Resources Management Association: Health Literacy: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice EPUB Adobe DRM €410.01 Thomas Edward Beeman & Valerie Anne Storey: Preparing Physicians to Lead in the 21st Century EPUB Adobe DRM €315.16 Aaron Earle & Jon Linton: Wi-Fi Enabled Healthcare Focusing on the recent proliferation of Wi-Fi in hospital systems, this book explains how Wi-Fi is transforming clinical work flows and infusing new life into the types of mobile devices being implem … EPUB Adobe DRM €69.82 Samuel Blows & Saira Ghafur: MRCP PACES Handbook The MRCP (PACES) is a challenging examination as it requires both in-depth knowledge and the ability to present the selected case concisely and coherently. This essential revision aid is designed to … EPUB Adobe DRM €38.57 Bloomsbury Publishing: Global Health Watch 6 Global Health Watch (GHW), now in its sixth edition, provides the definitive voice for an alternative discourse on health. It integrates rigorous analysis, alternative proposals and stories of strugg … EPUB Adobe DRM €26.57 Norman Friedman & Mark Richardson: Clinician»s Guide to Pediatric Sleep Disorders Affecting 20 to 30 % of children under the age of five, sleep disorders can seriously affect a child»s health. This authoritative guide illustrates the consequences of sleep disordered breathing and … EPUB Adobe DRM €73.28 Arpit Jain & Mangey Ram: Use of AI, Robotics and Modelling tools to fight Covid-19 The COVID-19 pandemic has hit the global at a colossal scale. With worldwide reported cases of 5.34 million it has led to severe impact on humanity. Being a highly contagious disease, it has given gl … EPUB Adobe DRM €124.19 Windy Dryden: Single-Session Counselling Primer In this latest addition to the best-selling ‘Primers in Counselling’ series, one of UK’s foremost therapy authors outlines the why, what and how of single-session counselling and the evidence that su … EPUB Adobe DRM €16.68 Sean Baumann: Troubled Mind ‘I am not ill… the doctors stole my organs for black magic… I am responsible for the fall of mankind… I am under attack from the outside world… the voices tell me to throttle her… she comes … EPUB Adobe DRM €5.13 Santosh Jatrana & Mika Toyota: Migration and Health in Asia The processes of migration and health are inextricably linked in complex ways, with migration impacting on the mental and physical health of individuals and communities. Health itself can be a motiva … EPUB Adobe DRM €3.85 siguiente página >>> 0 0 Caja 0,00 × × × Cambiar idioma de usuario × ÁrabeAlemánInglésEspañolFrancésHindúIndonesioItalianoMalayoHolandésPolacoPortuguésRumanoRusoSuecoTailandésTurcoUcranioVietnamitaChinoInternational Modal ×