General SoporteCatalogCienciaMedicinaGeneralSujetos no clínicosSujetos clínicosCuidadoProfesiones médicasMedicina holísticaOdontologíaMedicina veterinariaFarmacia33.189 Ebooks en esta categoría Anna Falabella & Robert Kirsner: Wound Healing Offering a comprehensive review of the field from basic scientific concepts to assessment and treatment strategies, this reference provides an excellent understanding of the epidemiology, diagnosis, … EPUB Adobe DRM €77.25 Rick Krohn & David Metcalf: mHealth m Health: From Smartphone to Smart Systems provides a high level and comprehensive survey of the emergence of mobile technology healthcare. This book looks beyond the already-popular devices and apps … EPUB Adobe DRM €78.58 Daniel Chasman: Protein Structure This text offers in-depth perspectives on every aspect of protein structure identification, assessment, characterization, and utilization, for a clear understanding of the diversity of protein shapes … EPUB Adobe DRM €79.77 David B. Allison & George A. Bray: Obesity and Mental Disorders Currently, there are a limited amount of guidelines to help clinicians manage patients with obesity and comorbid mental disorders. This expertly written source fills the gap in the literature by prov … EPUB Adobe DRM €77.33 Dana R. Sands & Laurence R. Sands: Ambulatory Colorectal Surgery A great single-source reference encompassing all aspects of colorectal surgery, Ambulatory Colorectal Surgery covers topics:patient evaluationanorectal anatomyanorectal ultrasoundbiofeedback techniqu … EPUB Adobe DRM €73.46 Harris Phillip: Reclaim Your Health – Cancer This book facilitates one’s understanding of cancer. It allows a bird’s eye view into the mechanism by which cancer develops and establishes itself in an individual.It laments that little strides hav … EPUB Adobe DRM €19.31 Nicola M. (University of Central Lancashire, Preston, UK) Lowe & Victoria Hall Moran: Nutrition and the Developing Brain Nutrients play a significant role in brain development throughout fetal and postnatal life. This book reviews the evidence from animal and human research, highlighting the influence of specific nutri … EPUB Adobe DRM €59.18 Sanjay Kumar Bharti & Debarshi Kar Mahapatra: Medicinal Chemistry with Pharmaceutical Product Development This volume focuses on novel therapeutics and strategies for the development of pharmaceutical products, keeping the drug molecule as the central component. It discusses current theoretical and pract … EPUB Adobe DRM €159.60 K Balamurugan & Prithika Udayakumar: Pocket Guide to Bacterial Infections Pocket Guide to Bacterial Infections provides information pertinent to the behaviour of bacterial cells during their interactions with different cell types of multiple host systems. This book will pr … EPUB Adobe DRM €47.35 Mark Kern: CRC Desk Reference on Sports Nutrition The landscape of sports nutrition is dramatically altering, as those in search of optimal performance are moving the field from haphazard alchemy to exact science. Currently, thousands of products — … EPUB Adobe DRM €75.85 siguiente página >>> 0 0 Caja 0,00 × × × Cambiar idioma de usuario × ÁrabeAlemánInglésEspañolFrancésHindúIndonesioItalianoMalayoHolandésPolacoPortuguésRumanoRusoSuecoTailandésTurcoUcranioVietnamitaChinoInternational Modal ×