General, Diccionarios SoporteCatalogCienciaFísica / AstronomíaGeneral, DiccionariosMecánica, acústicaElectricidad, magnetismo, ópticaTermodinámicaFísica atómica, física nuclearFísica teóricaAstronomíaOtro605 Ebooks en esta categoría Laura Pesce: Close Encounters of Art and Physics Close Encounters of Art and Physics is a voyage in time through the abstract ideas harboured in the minds of humans, starting from the graffiti art of cave dwellers and extending to the street a … PDF Inglés €35.30 William Dean Brewer & Alfredo Tiomno Tolmasquim: Jayme Tiomno Jayme Tiomno (1920-2011) was one of the most influential Brazilian physicists of the 20th century, interacting with many of the renowned physicists of his time, including John Wheeler and R … PDF Inglés €58.84 Michael Grodzicki: Physical Reality – Construction or Discovery? This book provides a well-grounded account of the methodology of physics, the structure of physical knowledge and theories, and in particular of the relations between theory and experience. An import … PDF Inglés €160.49 Kristen Lippincott: Alessandro Piccolomini’s Early Astronomical Works: I. An Exploration of Their Cultural Significance This book presents the first interdisciplinary study of Alessandro Piccolomini’s two early astronomical works – De la Sfera del Mondo and De le Stelle Fisse. First published in Venice in 1540, … PDF Inglés €160.49 Bo Lojek: William Shockley: The Will to Think This book takes a fresh look at the work, thoughts, and life of 1956 Nobel Prize winner William B. Shockley. It reconstructs Shockley’s upbringing, his patriotic achievements during World War II, his … PDF Inglés €53.49 Tomasz Bigaj: Identity and Indiscernibility in Quantum Mechanics This book analyzes metaphysical consequences of the quantum theory of many particles with respect to the fundamental notions of identity, individuality and discernibility. The main focus is on the pr … PDF Inglés €149.79 Thomas Schulenberg: The fourth generation of nuclear reactors This book is intended for readers who want to learn more about fourth-generation nuclear reactors without having to delve deeply into nuclear technology. These nuclear reactors are a number of vision … PDF Inglés €48.14 Shahen Hacyan: The Mathematical Representation of Physical Reality This book deals with the rise of mathematics in physical sciences, beginning with Galileo and Newton and extending to the present day. The book is divided into two parts. The first part gives a brie … PDF Inglés €58.84 David Barrado Navascués: Cosmography in the Age of Discovery and the Scientific Revolution This book tells the comprehensive history of cosmography from the 15 th Century Age of Discovery onward. During this time, cosmography—a science that combined geography and astronomy to inform us abo … PDF Inglés €171.19 Richard de Grijs & Andrew Jacob: William Dawes This book describes William Dawes’ life and professional achievements. William Dawes was a British Marine serving as the official astronomer on board the First Fleet making the 1787–1788 voyage from … PDF Inglés €80.24 siguiente página >>> 0 0 Caja 0,00 × × × Cambiar idioma de usuario × ÁrabeAlemánInglésEspañolFrancésHindúIndonesioItalianoMalayoHolandésPolacoPortuguésRumanoRusoSuecoTailandésTurcoUcranioVietnamitaChinoInternational Modal ×