Economía SoporteCatalogCiencias socialesGeneralSociologíaPolíticaMedios / ComunicaciónEtnologíaDerechaEconomíaGeneral, DiccionariosEconomíaAdministración de empresasAdministraciónPublicidad, MarketingRamas individualesEconomía internacionalOtro256.872 Ebooks en esta categoría Hristos (Maritime Consultant, Piraeus, Greece) Karahalios: The Management of Maritime Regulations Ship management is a worldwide activity. Modern ships are sophisticated designed structures equipped with several automatic devices. It is estimated that 90 per cent of commodities transported worldw … EPUB Adobe DRM €51.40 Anne-Marie Quigg: The Handbook of Dealing with Workplace Bullying The topic of workplace bullying and abuse gained considerable public and media attention during 2013 when the scandal of events at the BBC was unveiled following an enquiry led by Dinah Rose QC. The … EPUB Adobe DRM €56.31 Ramani (GRT Consulting LLP, India) S: Improving Business Performance No organization is impervious to change. Rather, the survival and growth of an organization is dependent on how well it copes with change. Successful change initiatives consist of the integrated eco- … EPUB Adobe DRM €80.98 Bob Oros: How to Master the Art and Science of Selling Bob Oros along with 67 colleagues making 348 contributions reveal how to turn your sales activities from dread and apprehension to a positive and exciting experience. Powerful lessons with input from … EPUB Adobe DRM €9.73 Joan Robinson: Freedom and Necessity Originally published in 1970, this book examines the origins of social organizations, the development of Robinson Crusoe economies and the conception of property or rightful ownership, as well as the … EPUB Adobe DRM €47.54 G. Shawn Hunter: Small Acts of Leadership In business today, there is no offline and there is no downtime. Professionals are both exhausted and depleted. Being constantly tethered to our work through technology makes us overwhelmed and short … EPUB Adobe DRM €33.37 Thomas Grebel: Entrepreneurship The entrepreneur has been neglected over the years in formal economic theorizing. Previously there has been only eclectic theories such as human capital theory and network dynamics which discus … EPUB Adobe DRM €3.83 Ronald (University of Glasgow, UK) MacDonald: Exchange Rate Economics First published in 2007. Exchange Rate Economics: Theories and Evidence is the second edition of Floating Exchange Rates: Theories and Evidence, and builds on the successful content and structure of … EPUB Adobe DRM €76.10 James R. Coull: World Fisheries Resources World Fisheries Resources provides a comprehensive and up-to-date review of how this commodity is used. The author examines the various aspects of fishing resources from their biological basis throug … EPUB Adobe DRM €51.24 Nicola Busby: The Shape of Change No organisations, change initiative or stakeholder is ever the same. The way business change management is shaped to work with and get the best out of every different change situation makes a vital c … EPUB Adobe DRM €56.47 siguiente página >>> 0 0 Caja 0,00 × × × Cambiar idioma de usuario × ÁrabeAlemánInglésEspañolFrancésHindúIndonesioItalianoMalayoHolandésPolacoPortuguésRumanoRusoSuecoTailandésTurcoUcranioVietnamitaChinoInternational Modal ×